tired是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 疲劳的; 厌倦的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- By thattime she was tired of walking, and sat by the fire with her dresstucked up as usual.
-- 'My poor dear Isabella,' said he, fondly taking her hand, and interrupting, for a few moments, her busy labours for some one of her five children 'How long it is, how terribly long since you were here!And how tired you must be after your journey!You must go to bed early, my dear and I rec-ommend a little gruel to you before you go. You and I will have a nice basin of gruel together.
-- 'I am sorry to hear you say so, sir; but I assure you, ex-cepting those little nervous head-aches and palpitations which I am never entirely free from anywhere, I am quite well myself; and if the children were rather pale before they went to bed, it was only because they were a little more tired than usual, from their journey and the happiness of com-ing.
-- You will get very tired when tea is over.'
-- You did not enjoy them as I did; you appeared tired the whole time.
-- The fact is, I suppose, that she is tired of Enscombe.
-- Women are never tired of bewailing man's fickleness in love, but they only seem to snub his constancy.
-- "You look tired and ill, Oak," he said then, desultorily regarding his companion.
-- It often happens that the woman does not care for them at all, and treats them cruelly; they buy their morsels of satisfaction very dear; but no matter, the fools are never tired of it; they will take their last blanket to the pawnbroker's to give their last five-franc piece to her.
-- Taillefer was tired of the annual application made by his daughter and her elderly friend; he gave them a personal interview in order to arrive at an understanding with them.
-- You can quite understand that so long as Bonaparte was Emperor, the two sons-in-law could manage to put up with the old Ninety-three; but after the restoration of the Bourbons, M. de Restaud felt bored by the old man's society, and the banker was still more tired of it.
-- There won't be any war,and I'm tired of hearing about it."
-- I've never gotten so tired of any one wordin my life as 'war,' unless it's 'secession.'
-- "Oh, I was so tired of hearing them talk about the war that I couldn't have endured it through supper, especiallywith Pa joining in and shouting about Mr.
-- By this time, Gerald was thoroughly tired of the conversation and thoroughly annoyed that the problem should beupon his shoulders.
-- He had gone up there and established aplantation; but, now the house had burned down, he was tired of the "accursed place" and would be most happy to getit off his hands.
-- with the feeble malice of a tired man; but, as he had no theory, and no coat on, he was unanimously set at naught,--not to mention his smoking hard behind, as he stood with his back to the kitchen fire to draw the damp out: which was not calculated to inspire confidence.
-- It had been placed there since my last visit, and I entered, that same day, on a regular occupation of pushing Miss Havisham in this chair (when she was tired of walking with her hand upon my shoulder) round her own room, and across the landing, and round the other room.
-- said Miss Havisham, flashing her eyes upon her, "are you tired of me?"
-- "Only a little tired of myself," replied Estella, disengaging her arm, and moving to the great chimney-piece, where she stood looking down at the fire.
-- cried Miss Havisham, passionately striking her stick upon the floor; "you are tired of me."
-- At last he could go no farther, for the stone tired him 16 Grimms' Fairy Talessadly: and he dragged himself to the side of a river, that he might take a drink of water, and rest a while.
-- His master therefore was tired of keeping him and began to think of putting an end to him; but the ass, who saw that some mischief was in the wind, took himself slyly off, and began his journey towards the great city, 'For there,' thought he, 'I may turn musician.'
-- The donkey laid himself down upon a heap of straw in the yard, the dog stretched himself upon a mat be-hind the door, the cat rolled herself up on the hearth before the warm ashes, and the cock perched upon a beam on the top of the house; and, as they were all rather tired with their journey, they soon fell asleep.