
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:53


learning是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 知识, 学问; 学习,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- And he grew and grew strong as a boy must grow who does not know that he is learning any lessons, and who has nothing in the world to think of except things to eat.

-- For three months after that night Mowgli hardly ever left the village gate, he was so busy learning the ways and customs of men.

-- He was two weeks learning to use his flippers; and all that while he floundered in and out of the water, and coughed and grunted and crawled up the beach and took catnaps on the sand, and went back again, until at last he found that he truly belonged to the water.

-- When Kotick felt his skin tingle all over, Mat-kah told him he was learning the 'feel of the water,' and that tingly, prickly feelings meant bad weather coming, and he must swim hard and get away.



-- Whatever may be the truth, as respects the root and the genius of the Indian tongues, it is quite certain they are now so distinct in their words as to possess most of the disadvantages of strange languages; hence much of the embarrassment that has aris-en in learning their histories, and most of the uncertainty which exists in their traditions.

-- In conse-quence of this bad fashion, a man, who is too conscientious to misspend his days among the women, in learning the names of black marks, may never hear of the deeds of his fa-thers, nor feel a pride in striving to outdo them.

-- No, no; your young white, who gathers his learning from books and can measure what he knows by the page, may conceit that his knowledge, like his legs, out-runs that of his fathers', but, where experience is the master, the scholar is made to know the value of years, and respects them accordingly.'



-- The schoolmaster is generally a man of some importance in the female circle of a rural neighborhood; being con-sidered a kind of idle, gentlemanlike personage, of vastly superior taste and accomplishments to the rough country swains, and, indeed, inferior in learning only to the parson.



-- To solve this question, Mr Swiveller summoned the handmaid and ascertained that Miss Sophy Wackles had indeed left the letter with her own hands; and that she had come accompanied, for decorum's sake no doubt, by a younger Miss Wackles; and that on learning that Mr Swiveller was at home and being requested to walk upstairs, she was extremely shocked and professed that she would rather die.

-- 'Far beyond all his companions, in his learning and his sports too, how did he ever come to be so fond of me!That I should love him is no wonder, but that he should love me ' and there the schoolmaster stopped, and took off his spectacles to wipe them, as though they had grown dim.

-- A few confined themselves to hints, such as politely inquiring what red-letter day or saint's day the almanack said it was; a few (these were the profound village politicians) argued that it was a slight to the throne and an affront to church and state, and savoured of revolutionary principles, to grant a half-holiday upon any lighter occasion than the birthday of the Monarch; but the majority expressed their displeasure on private grounds and in plain terms, arguing that to put the pupils on this short allowance of learning was nothing but an act of downright robbery and fraud: and one old lady, finding that she could not inflame or irritate the peaceable schoolmaster by talking to him, bounced out of his house and talked at him for half-an-hour outside his own window, to another old lady, saying that of course he would deduct this half-holiday from his weekly charge, or of course he would naturally expect to have an opposition started against him; there was no want of idle chaps in that neighbourhood (here the old lady raised her voice), and some chaps who were too idle even to be schoolmasters, might soon find that there were other chaps put over their heads, and so she would have them take care, and look pretty sharp about them.

-- This is what his learning has brought him to.

-- CHAPTER 32Mrs Jarley's wrath on first learning that she had been threatened with the indignity of Stocks and Penance, passed all description.



-- This lady, learning of the condition of Maslova, who was looking for a position, gave her her card and invited her to call.

-- Nekhludoff expected that at the first meeting Katiousha, learning of his intention to serve her, and of his repentance, would be moved to rejoicing, would become again Katiousha, but to his surprise and horror, he saw that Katiousha was no more; that only Maslova remained.

-- Nekhludoff knew all that before, but he was now learning it as something new, and only wondered why he and all those who stood in a similar position could fail to see the enormity of such relations.

-- Natalie Ivanovna immediately went to the old home of her mother, and learning there that her brother had moved to furnished rooms, she went to his new home.

-- Her condition in this respect was somewhat relieved by the presence of Theodosia and Tarass, who, learning that his wife was subjected to these insults, had himself included among the prisoners, and riding as such from Nijhni, was able to protect her to some extent.



-- 'It's something very like learning geography,' thought Alice, as she stood on tiptoe in hopes of being able to see a little further.



-- I was then reading a charming book by Jean Mace, The Slaves of the Stomach, and I was learning some valuable lessons from it, when Conseil interrupted me.



-- And by learning to use my will, simply by using my will, I made myself right."





