learning是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 知识, 学问; 学习,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- And besides Scarlett don't setany more store by book learning than we do."
-- He still liked hertremendously and respected her for her cool good breeding, her book learning and all the sterling qualities shepossessed.
-- Her face felt stiff as from pain and her mouth actually hurt fromhaving stretched it, unwillingly, in smiles to prevent the twins from learning her secret.
-- While he entertained the liveliest respect for those who had more book learning than he,he never felt his own lack.
-- Learning that Ashley's wedding had been moved up from the autumn to the first of May, so he could leave withthe Troop as soon as it was called into service, Scarlett set the date of her wedding for the day before his.
-- Chapter VIIAt the time when I stood in the churchyard reading the family tombstones, I had just enough learning to be able to spell them out.
-- In pursuance of this luminous conception I mentioned to Biddy when I went to Mr. Wopsle's great-aunt's at night, that I had a particular reason for wishing to get on in life, and that I should feel very much obliged to her if she would impart all her learning to me.
-- For instance, Biddy, in his learning and his manners."
-- I who have sat on this same hearth on the little stool that is even now beside you there, learning your lessons and looking up into your face, when your face was strange and frightened me!"
-- Compared to this seat, all the learning of the schools is as empty air.
-- Begin by learning some craft or anoth- er, and see how you can get on.'
-- 'I am going to try my luck in the world, and should like to begin by learning some art or trade,' answered he.
-- Then a man approached who heard this conversation which the youth was holding with him-self, and when they had walked a little farther to where they could see the gallows, the man said to him: 'Look, there is the tree where seven men have married the ropemaker's daughter, and are now learning how to fly.
-- I desired you would let me know, by a letter, when party and faction were extinguished; judges learned and upright; pleaders honest and modest, with some tincture of common sense, and Smithfield blazing with pyramids of law books; the young nobility's education entirely changed; the physicians banished; the female Yahoos abounding in virtue, honour, truth, and good sense; courts and levees of great ministers thoroughly weeded and swept; wit, merit, and learning rewarded; all disgracers of the press in prose and verse condemned to eat nothing but their own cotton, and quench their thirst with their own ink.
-- My hours of leisure I spent in reading the best authors, ancient and modern, being always provided with a good number of books; and when I was ashore, in observing the manners and dispositions of the people, as well as learning their lan-guage; wherein I had a great facility, by the strength of my memory.
-- All these orders were duly put in execu-tion; and in about three weeks I made a great progress in learning their language; during which time the emperor frequently honoured me with his visits, and was pleased to assist my masters in teaching me.
-- Thus the young ladies are as much ashamed of being cowards and fools as the men, and despise all personal ornaments, beyond decency and cleanliness: neither did I perceive any difference in their education made by their difference of sex, only that the ex-ercises of the females were not altogether so robust; and that some rules were given them relating to domestic life, and a smaller compass of learning was enjoined them: for their maxim is, that among peoples of quality, a wife should be always a reasonable and agreeable companion, because she cannot always be young.
-- I remember when I was at Lilliput, the complexion of those diminutive people appeared to me the fairest in the world; and talking upon this subject with a person of learning there, who was an intimate friend of mine, he said that my face appeared much fairer and smoother when he looked on me from the ground, than it did upon a nearer view, when I took him up in my hand, and brought him close, which he confessed was at first a very shocking sight.
-- 'By the Lord Harry, he'll have enough of it, first and last!He'd open his eyes, that boy would, if he knew how empty of learning my young maw was, at his time of life.'
-- I have never been in the way of learning compliments myself, and I don't profess to understand the art of paying 'em.
-- 'Sir, I canna, wi' my little learning an' my common way, tell the genelman what will better aw this though some working men o' this town could, above my powers but I can tell him what I know will never do 't.
-- There was a reason, and it may be regarded as a good one, why my uncle objected to display his learning more than was absolutely necessary: he stammered; and when intent upon explaining the phenomena of the heavens, was apt to find himself at fault, and allude in such a vague way to sun, moon, and stars that few were able to comprehend his meaning.
-- She had not nursed soldiers without learning something about that very unpleasant disease.
-- I have always dreamed of myself as a child learning to do needlework.