
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:51


order是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 命令; 次序; 整齐; 定货单; 等级v. 定制, 订购,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The matter was immensely serious for all the parties concerned, but there was in the manner of his answer such a cheerful effrontery that I had to bite my lips in order not to laugh.

-- I was silent for a moment in order to give greater force to my next remark.

-- I tried to set in order what I had to tell his wife.

-- She had put some order into the drawing-room by now, her housewifely instincts having got the better of her dismay; and it no longer bore that deserted look, like a furnished house long to let, which I had noticed on my first visit after the catastrophe.



-- Without speaking a word, Harding, Spilett, Neb, and Herbert took their places in the car, while Pencroft by the engineer's order detached successively the bags of ballast.

-- This sea-weed, which belongs to the order of Fucacae, of the genus Sargassum, produces, when dry, a gelatinous matter, rich and nutritious.

-- "As for me," said the sailor, "if I ever grumble at work, my name's not Jack Pencroft, and if you like, captain, we will make a little America of this island!We will build towns, we will establish railways, start telegraphs, and one fine day, when it is quite changed, quite put in order and quite civilized, we will go and offer it to the government of the Union.

-- But fortunately the dog had fallen upon a brood, and besides the victim he was devouring, two other rodents the animals in question belonged to that order lay strangled on the turf.

-- In order to prepare for dinner it was necessary that the settlers should return to their dwelling.



-- 'Before I'd let a man order me about as Quilp orders her,' said Mrs George, 'before I'd consent to stand in awe of a man as she does of him, I'd I'd kill myself, and write a letter first to say he did it!'

-- The noise was at its height, and half the company had elevated their voices into a perfect shriek in order to drown the voices of the other half, when Mrs Jiniwin was seen to change colour and shake her forefinger stealthily, as if exhorting them to silence.

-- The other boy, to whom this order was addressed, did as he was told, and was rewarded for his partizanship in behalf of his master, by a dexterous rap on the nose with the key, which brought the water into his eyes.

-- In point of fact, it would seem that the waiter felt this wholesome truth, for when he returned for the empty plates and dishes and was informed by Mr Swiveller with dignified carelessness that he would call and settle when he should be passing presently, he displayed some perturbation of spirit and muttered a few remarks about 'payment on delivery' and 'no trust,' and other unpleasant subjects, but was fain to content himself with inquiring at what hour it was likely that the gentleman would call, in order that being presently responsible for the beef, greens, and sundries, he might take to be in the way at the time.

-- 'Have the kindness to smile, sir, in order that we may not be suspected.



-- Everything proceeded smoothly, quickly and not without solemnity, and the regularity, order and solemnity evidently pleased the participants, confirming their sense of rendering important public service.

-- She further testified that during her second visit to the room of the merchant she gave him, at the instigation of Kartinkin, several powders in a glass of brandy, which she considered to be narcotic, in order that she might get away from him.

-- The relations of Nekhludoff to Katiousha were the following: Nekhludoff first met Katiousha when he went to stay one summer out at the estate of his aunts in order that he might quietly prepare his thesis on the private ownership of land.

-- Nekhludoff called at his aunts because their manor lay on the road through which his regiment had preceded him, and also because they requested him to do so, but principally in order that he might see Katiousha.

-- He knew now what was necessary to do in order to satisfy that feeling, and was looking for means to that end.



-- But, so soon as I struck a match in order to see them, they fled incontinently, vanishing into dark gutters and tunnels, from which their eyes glared at me in the strangest fashion.

-- But, clearly, the old order was already in part reversed.

-- "It's a curious thing," said the Medical Man; "but I certainly don't know the natural order of these flowers.



-- 'I don't think they'll fight any more to-day,' the King said to Hatta: 'go and order the drums to begin.'



-- The captain's order to mount at once and ride for Doctor Livesey would have left my mother alone and unprotected, which was not to be thought of.










