
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:51


order是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 命令; 次序; 整齐; 定货单; 等级v. 定制, 订购,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- 'In three days your friend the secretary will be direct-ed to come to your house, and read before you the articles of impeachment; and then to signify the great lenity and favour of his majesty and council, whereby you are only condemned to the loss of your eyes, which his majesty does not question you will gratefully and humbly submit to; and twenty of his majesty's surgeons will attend, in order to see the operation well performed, by discharging very sharp-pointed arrows into the balls of your eyes, as you lie on the ground.



-- A space of stunted grass and dry rubbish being between him and the young rabble, he took his eyeglass out of his waistcoat to look for any child he knew by name, and might order off.

-- 'I told him I would give her a shake-down here, last night, in order that he might sleep on it before he decided to let her have any association with Louisa.'

-- She turned, being then in the brightness of a lamp; and raising her hood a little, showed a quiet oval face, dark and rather delicate, irradiated by a pair of very gentle eyes, and further set off by the perfect order of her shining black hair.

-- It was in one of the many small streets for which the favourite undertaker (who turned a handsome sum out of the one poor ghastly pomp of the neighbourhood) kept a black ladder, in order that those who had done their daily groping up and down the narrow stairs might slide out of this working world by the windows.

-- Everything was in its place and order as he had always kept it, the little fire was newly trimmed, and the hearth was freshly swept.



-- Now most persons in this category supply themselves with information, as peddlers do with goods, for the benefit of others, and lay up stores in order to diffuse them abroad for the benefit of society in general.

-- Not so my excellent uncle, Professor Hardwigg; he studied, he consumed the midnight oil, he pored over heavy tomes, and digested huge quartos and folios in order to keep the knowledge acquired to himself.

-- From that moment the schooner was steered to the westward in order to round Cape Reykjanes, the western point of Iceland.

-- If elsewhere she produces grand artistic effects by piling up huge masses without order or connection--if elsewhere we see truncated cones, imperfect pyramids, with an odd succession of lines; here, as if wishing to give a lesson in regularity, and preceding the architects of the early ages, she has erected a severe order of architecture, which neither the splendors of Babylon nor the marvels of Greece ever surpassed.

-- I laid before him my fears, and then drew back in order to let him get his passion over at his ease.



-- The heirs at once gave out the order for the demolish-ing of Shipley.

-- 'Oh, but listen!Don't interrupt the great man's solemn words! ''The present type of order in the world has risen from an unimaginable part, and will find its grave in an un-imaginable future.

-- There remains the inexhaustive realm of abstract forms, and creativity with its shifting charac-ter ever determined afresh by its own creatures, and God, upon whose wisdom all forms of order depend.

-- Unnimaginables, and types of order in graves, and realms of abstract forms, and creativity with a shifty character, and God mixed up with forms of order!Why, it's idiotic!'

-- Leaving aside personal feelings, and I assure you, on my part it is leaving aside a great deal, it is bitter as death to me to have this order of life broken up, here in Wragby, and the decent round of daily life smashed, just for some whim of yours.'



-- The wide stare stared itself out for one while; the Sun went down in a red, green, golden glory; the stars came out in the heavens, and the fire-flies mimicked them in the lower air, as men may feebly imitate the goodness of a better order of beings; the long dusty roads and the interminable plains were in repose and so deep a hush was on the sea, that it scarcely whispered of the time when it shall give up its dead.

-- And so at home he had established himself in business, and had invented and executed, and worked his way on, until, after a dozen years of constant suit and service, he had been enrolled in the Great British Legion of Honour, the Legion of the Rebuffed of the Circumlocution Office, and had been decorated with the Great British Order of Merit, the Order of the Disorder of the Barnacles and Stiltstalkings.

-- 'If it was summer-time,' said Mr Meagles, 'which I wish it was on your account, and in order that you might see the place at its best, you would hardly be able to hear yourself speak for birds.

-- Went up to our place and Pitched into my father to that extent that it was necessary to order him out.

-- While he smoked out his cigar in peace, she made his bed, and put the small room in order for his repose.



-- 'I saw something I liked this morning, and I meant to tell it at dinner, but I forgot,' said Beth, putting Jo's topsy-tur-vy basket in order as she talked.

-- It was not a wise thing to do, but I kept on worrying till an old man came in with an order for some clothes.

-- At the stern order the buzz ceased, and fifty pairs of blue, black, gray, and brown eyes were obediently fixed upon his awful countenance.










