
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:50


mother是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 母亲,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- This Englishman had not so far forgotten his mother tongue among mules and Indians that he could not converse with his countrymen, and a lucky thing it was for them, as Lord Glenarvan found it far easier to give orders than to see them executed, Paganel was still unsuccessful in making himself understood.

-- Each word spoken by Thalcave was instantly translated, so that the whole party seemed to hear him speak in their mother tongue.

-- The geographer could not understand what he meant by it, and was just about to interrogate him, when the Commandant came forward, and seizing both his hands in the most free-and-easy fashion, said in a joyous voice, in the mother tongue of the geographer:"A Frenchman!"

-- It was evident that the worthy man must have left his native country many years back, for his mother tongue had grown unfamiliar, and if he had not forgotten the words he certainly did not remember how to put them together.

-- "Mnemosyne!Goddess of Memory, chaste mother of the Muses!"



-- The whole was tied up for the benefit of this child, who, in occasional visits with his father and mother at Norland, had so far gained on the affections of his uncle, by such attractions as are by no means unusual in children of two or three years old; an imperfect articulation, an earnest desire of having his own way, many cunning tricks, and a great deal of noise, as to outweigh all the value of all the attention which, for years, he had received from his niece and her daughters.

-- She had an excellent heart; her disposition was affectionate, and her feelings were strong; but she knew how to govern them: it was a knowledge which her mother had yet to learn; and which one of her sisters had resolved never to be taught.

-- The resemblance between her and her mother was strikingly great.

-- She could consult with her brother, could receive her sister-in-law on her arrival, and treat her with proper attention; and could strive to rouse her mother to similar exertion, and encourage her to similar forbearance.



-- He came in and went out, pursuing his own plans and fancies, addressing a few words to his mother occasionally, relating some little incident to his father, but for the most part confining himself to those generalities with which most conversation concerns itself.

-- she remarked to her mother one evening; "that Herbert Crane tried to make friends with me."

-- The daughter was here to study music, the mother to keep her company.

-- asked Jessica of her mother another day, thus revealing something that Hurstwood had heard nothing about.

-- "One night," resumed Mrs. Morgan, whose lines came next, "father and mother were going to the opera.



-- Your mother couldn't read, and she couldn't write, nuther, before she died.

-- I wish my mother could get it.

-- Then I told her my father and mother was dead, and the law had bound me out to a mean old farmer in the country thirty mile back from the river, and he treated me so bad I couldn't stand it no lon-ger; he went away to be gone a couple of days, and so I took my chance and stole some of his daughter's old clothes and cleared out, and I had been three nights coming the thirty miles.

-- Go 'long with you now, and do as your mother told you.'

-- A couple of nigger traders come along, and the king sold them the niggers reasonable, for three-day drafts as they called it, and away they went, the two sons up the river to Memphis, and their mother down the river to Orleans.



-- "Thanks!Are your father and mother still living?"

-- My mother I have never known."

-- If we were to allow it, everyone would try to be father and mother to us; everyone, even the Talking Cricket.

-- "I am very glad of that, for then I can call you mother instead of sister.

-- How shall I ever look at my little mother again?










