mother是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 母亲,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- When the matron Houyhnhnms have produced one of each sex, they no longer accompany with their consorts, ex-cept they lose one of their issue by some casualty, which very seldom happens; but in such a case they meet again; or when the like accident befalls a person whose wife is past bearing, some other couple bestow on him one of their own colts, and then go together again until the mother is preg-nant.
-- Here likewise the regulation of children is settled: as for instance, if a Houyhnhnm has two males, he changes one of them with another that has two females; and when a child has been lost by any casualty, where the mother is past breed-ing, it is determined what family in the district shall breed another to supply the loss.
-- 'My mother left me to my grandmother,' said Bounderby; 'and, according to the best of my remembrance, my grandmother was the wickedest and the worst old woman that ever lived.
-- 'I was born in a ditch, and my mother ran away from me.
-- I call a spade a spade; and I call the mother of Josiah Bounderby of Coketown, without any fear or any favour, what I should call her if she had been the mother of Dick Jones of Wapping.
-- Emma Gordon, in whothe lap you're a lying at prethent, would be a mother to you, and Joth'phine would be a thithter to you.
-- Louisa denied Tom's participation in the offence; but her mother stopped her with the conclusive answer, 'Louisa, don't tell me, in my state of health; for unless you had been encouraged, it is morally and physically impossible that you could have done it.'
-- When, nearly two hours later, I reached the bosom of mother earth, I was like a rheumatic old man bent double with pain.
-- This excellent Icelandic woman was the mother of nineteen children, who, little and big, rolled, crawled, and walked about in the midst of volumes of smoke arising from the angular fireplace in the middle of the room.
-- If a road does really present itself by which to descend into the dark and subterraneous bowels of Mother Earth, if this thrice unhappy Saknussemm has really told the truth, we shall be most certainly lost in the midst of the labyrinth of subterraneous galleries of the volcano.
-- The internal fires, however, had not as yet burst their bounds and flooded the exterior cake of Mother Earth with hot and raging lava.
-- I will carry it to the end--or I will never return to the surface of Mother Earth.
-- Her mother had been one of the cultivated Fabians in the palmy, rather pre-Raphaelite days.
-- His father was a baronet, and his mother had been a viscount's daughter.
-- She asked him about himself, his mother and father, his brothers...other people were always something of a wonder to her, and when her sympathy was awakened she was quite devoid of class feeling.
-- in front of my mother or my aunt...they are real ladies, mind you; and I'm not really intelligent, I'm only a ''mental-lifer''.
-- 'More or less!He has a mother in the village...and a child, I believe.'
-- My mother was French by blood, English by birth.
-- Now, Pet, my darling, you had better go along with Mother and get ready for the boat.
-- cried Mother, breaking out again, "when I saw all those children ranged tier above tier, and appealing from the father none of them has ever known on earth, to the great Father of us all in Heaven, I thought, does any wretched mother ever come here, and look among those young faces, wondering which is the poor child she brought into this forlorn world, never through all its life to know her love, her kiss, her face, her voice, even her name!"
-- Then, her mother and I were not young when we married, and Pet has always had a sort of grown-up life with us, though we have tried to adapt ourselves to her.
-- Father and Mother Meagles sat with their daughter between them, the last three on one side of the table: on the opposite side sat Mr Clennam; a tall French gentleman with raven hair and beard, of a swart and terrible, not to say genteelly diabolical aspect, but who had shown himself the mildest of men; and a handsome young Englishwoman, travelling quite alone, who had a proud observant face, and had either withdrawn herself from the rest or been avoided by the rest nobody, herself excepted perhaps, could have quite decided which.
-- Nobody spoke for a minute; then Meg said in an altered tone, 'You know the reason Mother proposed not having any presents this Christmas was because it is going to be a hard winter for everyone; and she thinks we ought not to spend money for pleasure, when our men are suffering so in the army.
-- I agree not to expect any-thing from Mother or you, but I do want to buy UNDINE AND SINTRAM for myself.