
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:47


high是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 高的, 高度的, 高级的, 高尚的ad. 高高地,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- My article was warmly discussed, which procured it a high reputation.

-- But you must understand that, in pursuing you over the high seas of the Pacific, the Abraham Lincoln believed itself to be chasing some powerful sea-monster, of which it was necessary to rid the ocean at any price."

-- High oaken sideboards, inlaid with ebony, stood at the two extremities of the room, and upon their shelves glittered china, porcelain, and glass of inestimable value.

-- High pieces of furniture, of black violet ebony inlaid with brass, supported upon their wide shelves a great number of books uniformly bound.

-- A door opened, and I found myself in the compartment where Captain Nemo certainly an engineer of a very high order had arranged his locomotive machinery.



-- Turning, they passed down the high-road, that went between high banks towards the church.

-- No one could put her down, no one could make mock of her, because she stood among the first, and those that were against her were below her, either in rank, or in wealth, or in high association of thought and progress and understanding.

-- she cried in her sudden, mocking excitement, standing high on the path in the sunlight and waving her bouquet.

-- said Marshall, in a queer high falsetto voice, that caused the other man to have convulsions of laughter in his stomach.

-- The high collar, and the inside of the cloak, was lined with dark fur.



-- The floor was of s mooth, white stone; the chairs, high backed, primitive structures, painted green: one or two heavy black ones lurking in the shade.

-- Happily, an inhabitant of the kitchen made more despatch: a lusty dame, with tucked up gown, bare arms, and fire flushed cheeks, rushed into the midst of us flourishing a frying pan: and used that weapon, and her tongue, to such purpose, that the storm subsided magically, and she only remained, heaving like a sea after a high wind, when her master entered on the scene.

-- Her spirits were always at high water mark, her tongue always going singing, laughing, and plaguing everybody who would not do the same.

-- A high wind blustered round the house, and roared in the chimney: it sounded wild and stormy, yet it was not cold, and we were all together I, a little removed from the hearth, busy at my knitting, and Joseph reading his Bible near the table (for the servants generally sat in the house then, after their work was done).

-- High time, Heathcliff,' I said; 'you HAVE grieved Catherine: she's sorry she ever came home, I daresay!It looks as if you envied her, because she is more thought of than you.



-- They wasn't so high and dry, nohow, but took their fling, like jolly companions every one."











