
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:47


high是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 高的, 高度的, 高级的, 高尚的ad. 高高地,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The elephant grunted out his satisfaction, and, clasping Passepartout around the waist with his trunk, lifted him as high as his head.



-- Locate in Zenith and make five thousand dollars year--much as United States Senator!Set a high goal.

-- Beyond him was the turreted bulk of the Main Medical Building, a harsh and blurry mass, high up in its dark wall a single light.

-- III On his first day in medical school, Martin Arrowsmith was in a high state of superiority.

-- "My boy, if you only knew how foolish you sound when you try to be cynical!When you're as old as I am, you'll understand that the glory of being a doctor is that you can teach folks high ideals while you soothe their tortured bodies."

-- "Suppose they don't want my particular brand of high ideals?"



-- The gentleman was a plump, thickly-set man, about thirty, fashionably dressed, with a high colour, red 72 Crime and Punishmentlips and moustaches.

-- Of course they sought high and low for Nikolay; they detained Dushkin and searched his house; Dmitri, too, was arrested; the Kolomensky men also were turned inside out.

-- In one place one hears of a student's robbing the mail on the high road; in another place people of good social position forge false banknotes; in Moscow of late a whole gang has been captured who used to forge lottery tickets, and one of the ringleaders was a lec-turer in universal history; then our secretary abroad was murdered from some obscure motive of gain芒聙娄.

-- She broke off abruptly on a sentimental high note, shouted sharply to the organ grinder 'Come on,' and both moved on to the next shop.

-- 'Where is it I've read that someone condemned to death says or thinks, an hour before his death, that if he had to live on some high rock, on such a narrow ledge that he'd only room to stand, and the ocean, everlasting darkness, everlasting solitude, everlasting tempest around him, if he had to remain stand-ing on a square yard of space all his life, a thousand years, eternity, it were better to live so than to die at once!Only to live, to live and live!Life, whatever it may be!芒聙娄 How true it is!Good God, how true!Man is a vile creature!芒聙娄 And vile is he who calls him vile for that,' he added a moment later.



-- Now I am in the garden at the back, beyondthe yard where the empty pigeon-house and dog-kennel are- avery preserve of butterflies, as I remember it, with a high fence,and a gate and padlock; where the fruit clusters on the trees, riperand richer than fruit has ever been since, in any other garden, andwhere my mother gathers some in a basket, while I stand by,bolting furtive gooseberries, and trying to look unmoved.

-- I was tired of reading, anddead sleepy; but having leave, as a high treat, to sit up until mymother came home from spending the evening at a neighbour's, Iwould rather have died upon my post (of course) than have goneto bed.

-- I am sure I loved thatbaby quite as truly, quite as tenderly, with greater purity and moredisinterestedness, than can enter into the best love of a later time oflife, high and ennobling as it is.

-- A short walk brought us- I mean the Master and me- to SalemHouse, which was enclosed with a high brick wall, and lookedvery dull.

-- Events of later date have floatedfrom me to the shore where all forgotten things will reappear, butthis stands like a high rock in the ocean.



-- Mrs. Goddard's school was in high repute and very deservedly; for High-bury was reckoned a particularly healthy spot: she had an ample house and garden, gave the children plenty of whole-some food, let them run about a great deal in the summer, and in winter dressed their chilblains with her own hands.

-- She would keep the peace if pos-sible; and there was something honourable and valuable in the strong domestic habits, the all-sufficiency of home tohimself, whence resulted her brother's disposition to look down on the common rate of social intercourse, and those to whom it was important. It had a high claim to forbear-ance.

-- 'Well,' said she to herself, 'this is most strange! After I had got him off so well, to chuse to go into company, and leave Harriet ill behind! Most strange indeed! But there is, I believe, in many men, especially single men, such an inclination such a passion for dining out a dinner en-gagement is so high in the class of their pleasures, their employments, their dignities, almost their duties, that any thing gives way to it and this must be the case with Mr. Elton; a most valuable, amiable, pleasing young man un-doubtedly, and very much in love with Harriet; but still, he cannot refuse an invitation, he must dine out wherever he is asked.

-- Mr. Elton and I are very good friends, and nothing more;' and she walked on, amusing herself in the consideration of the blunders which often arise from a partial knowledge of circumstances, of the mistakes which people of high pre-tensions to judgment are for ever falling into; and not very well pleased with her brother for imagining her blind and ignorant, and in want of counsel.

-- The landed property of Hart-166 Emmafield certainly was inconsiderable, being but a sort of notch in the Donwell Abbey estate, to which all the rest of High-bury belonged; but their fortune, from other sources, was such as to make them scarcely secondary to Donwell Abbey itself, in every other kind of consequence; and the Wood-houses had long held a high place in the consideration of the neighbourhood which Mr. Elton had first entered not two years ago, to make his way as he could, without any alliances but in trade, or any thing to recommend him to notice but his situation and his civility. But he had fan-cied her in love with him; that evidently must have been his dependence; and after raving a little about the seeming incongruity of gentle manners and a conceited head, Emma was obliged in common honesty to stop and admit that her own behaviour to him had been so complaisant and oblig-ing, so full of courtesy and attention, as (supposing her real motive unperceived) might warrant a man of ordinary ob-servation and delicacy, like Mr. Elton, in fancying himself a very decided favourite.



-- He wore a low-crowned felt hat, spread out at the base by tight jamming upon the head for security in high winds, and a coat like Dr. Johnson's; his lower extremities being encased in ordinary leather leggings and boots emphatically large, affording to each foot a roomy apartment so constructed that any wearer might stand in a river all day long and know nothing of damp their maker being a conscientious man who endeavoured to compensate for any weakness in his cut by unstinted dimension and solidity.

-- It may be mentioned that Oak's fob being difficult of access, by reason of its somewhat high situation in the waistband of his trousers (which also lay at a remote height under his waistcoat), the watch was as a necessity pulled out by throwing the body to one side, compressing the mouth and face to a mere mass of ruddy flesh on account of the exertion required, and drawing up the watch by its chain, like a bucket from a well.

-- The tune was not floating unhindered into the open air: it seemed muffled in some way, and was altogether too curtailed in power to spread high or wide.











