
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:47


stillness是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 寂静, 无声,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The thick tresses of gold with which Vulcan had crested the helmet floated round it, and as the evening star that shines brighter than all others through the stillness of night, even such was the gleam of the spear which Achilles poised in his right hand, fraught with the death of noble Hector.



-- Mrs. Bunting, it seems, woke up suddenly in the stillness that comes before the dawn, with the strong impression that the door of their bedroom had opened and closed.



-- The apparition of this grotesque, half-bestial creature had suddenly populated the stillness of the afternoon for me.

-- I remember the green stillness of the island and the emp-ty ocean about us, as though it was yesterday.

-- Then Moreau sounded the horn, and broke the sleeping stillness of the tropical afternoon.

-- In my half-excited, half-feverish state, this stillness of things oppressed me.

-- It is possibly due to the tension of my mind, at the time, but even now that start into the hot stillness of the tropi- cal afternoon is a singularly vivid impression.



-- 'The stillness of the mountain stream!The cool of the summer sun!And then, man-cub?'

-- The monkeys on the walls and the empty houses stopped their cries, and in the stillness that fell upon the city Mowgli heard Bagheera shaking his wet sides as he came up from the tank.



-- It was followed by a stillness apparently as deep as if the waters had been checked in their furious progress, at such a horrid and unusual interruption.

-- ' Death of Agrippina he sudden and almost magical change, from the stirring Tincidents of the combat to the stillness that now reigned around him, acted on the heated imagination of Heyward like some exciting dream.

-- After allowing a moment of stillness to enforce his disci-pline, the voice of the singer was heard, in low, murmuring syllables, gradually stealing on the ear, until it filled the nar-row vault with sounds rendered trebly thrilling by the feeble and tremulous utterance produced by his debility.

-- Among the savages a frightful stillness succeeded the explosion, which had just been heard bursting from the bowels of the rock.

-- The Hurons had awaited the result of this short dia-logue with characteristic patience, and with a silence that increased until there was a general stillness in the band.



-- I had wandered into it at noontime, when all nature is peculiarly quiet, and was startled by the roar of my own gun, as it broke the Sabbath stillness around and was prolonged and reverberated by the angry echoes.

-- Apparently there had been some appalling act of justice recently inflicted, for his scholars were all busily intent upon their books, or slyly whispering behind them with one eye kept upon the master; and a kind of buzzing stillness reigned throughout the schoolroom.



-- On my island in the Paumotus there is never at night the complete stillness that there was here.



-- Then there were so many of them with their great glassy eyes and, as they stood one behind the other all about her bed, they looked so like living creatures, and yet so unlike in their grim stillness and silence, that she had a kind of terror of them for their own sakes, and would often lie watching their dusky figures until she was obliged to rise and light a candle, or go and sit at the open window and feel a companionship in the bright stars.

-- The child sat silently beneath a tree, hushed in her very breath by the stillness of the night, and all its attendant wonders.

-- The knocking, which was now renewed, and which in that stillness they could plainly hear, troubled them.

-- The solemn stillness was no marvel now.

-- Then, when the dusk of evening had come on, and not a sound disturbed the sacred stillness of the place when the bright moon poured in her light on tomb and monument, on pillar, wall, and arch, and most of all (it seemed to them) upon her quiet grave in that calm time, when outward things and inward thoughts teem with assurances of immortality, and worldly hopes and fears are humbled in the dust before them then, with tranquil and submissive hearts they turned away, and left the child with God.



-- It would be hard to convey the stillness of it.



-- His gleaming beauty, maleness, like a young, good-humoured, smiling wolf, did not blind her to the significant, sinister stillness in his bearing, the lurking danger of his unsubdued temper.





