
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:47


stillness是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 寂静, 无声,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The stillness consequent on the cessation of the rum-bling and labouring of the coach, added to the stillness of the night, made it very quiet indeed.

-- But, in the stillness of the third hour of the morning, Lucie came downstairs again, and stole into his room; not free from unshaped fears, beforehand.

-- O, my good man, there was first a great crash, and then a great stillness, and that stillness seems to be fixed and unchangeable, never to be broken any more as long as my life lasts.'



-- 'It is wet, it is wet; there is such a pleasant deathlike stillness in Sorbe!'



-- In the pauses of complete stillness there came the rustle of last year's leaves, stirred by the thawing of the earth and the growth of the grass.

-- "Yes, In hear it," answered Levin, reluctantly breaking the stillness with his voice, which sounded disagreeable to himself.

-- Only at intervals he listened in the stillness to the click of Agafea Mihalovna's needles, and recollecting what he did not want to remember, he frowned again.

-- In the transparent stillness of morning the smallest sounds were audible.

-- Though he thought her stillness suspicious, as though she were holding her breath, and still more suspicious the expression of peculiar tenderness and excitement with which, as she came from behind the screen, she said "nothing," he was so sleepy that he fell asleep at once.



-- To Crynssen County, Leopolis with its four thousand people was a metropolis, but in the pinched stillness of the dawn it was a tiny graveyard: Main Street a sandy expanse, the low shops desolate as huts.

-- Down a grim street of coal yards, they found a public square, and here was the stillness not of sleep but of ancient death.



-- There was a stillness that was dreadful芒聙娄.

-- There was complete stillness in the room.



-- Ionly recollect that underneath some white covering on the bed,with a beautiful cleanliness and freshness all around it, thereseemed to me to lie embodied the solemn stillness that was in thehouse; and that when she would have turned the cover gentlyback, I cried, 'Oh no!oh no!'

-- The unbroken stillness of the parlour-window leading me to infer,after a while, that she was not there, I lifted up my eyes to the 184window above it, where I saw a florid, pleasant-lookinggentleman, with a grey head, who shut up one eye in a grotesquemanner, nodded his head at me several times, shook it at me asoften, laughed, and went away.

-- The languid stillness of the place was onlybroken by the chirping of this fire and by the voice of one of theDoctors, who was wandering slowly through a perfect library ofevidence, and stopping to put up, from time to time, at littleroadside inns of argument on the journey.



-- The handsome girl waited for some time idly in her place, and the only sound heard in the stillness was the hopping of the canary up and down the perches of its prison.

-- Nothing disturbed the stillness of the cottage save the chatter of a knot of sparrows on the eaves; one might fancy scandal and rumour to be no less the staple topic of these little coteries on roofs than of those under them.

-- Here the only sounds disturbing the stillness were steady munchings of many mouths, and stentorian breathings from all but invisible noses, ending in snores and puffs like the blowing of bellows slowly.

-- Just as that imperceptible motion which appears like stillness is infinitely divided in its properties from stillness itself, so had his hope undistinguishable from despair differed from despair indeed.

-- For a few seconds the wayfarer stood with that tense stillness which signifies itself to be not the end, but merely the suspension, of a previous motion.



-- I was answered through the stillness of night by a loud and fiendish laugh.



-- The sky above turned slowly from azure to the delicate blue-green of a robin's egg, andthe unearthly stillness of rural twilight came stealthily down about her.

-- Gerald closed his eyes and, in the stillness of the unworked acres, he felt that he had come home.





