Frenchman是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 法国人,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- The Frenchman was soon put in possession of all the circumstances of the case.
-- But in spite of this melancholy reflection, the Frenchman submitted gracefully to the compulsory delay.
-- The Frenchman was assailing his companion with all sorts of questions about Chili, when all at once the captain interrupted him, and pointing toward the southern horizon, said:"Monsieur Paganel?"
-- Any question about the country that Glenarvan might ask the CATAPEZ was sure to be answered by the learned Frenchman before he could reply, to the great astonishment of the guide, who gazed at him in bewilderment.
-- And you a Frenchman born?
-- 'My dear Mr. Lorry, it is because I am a Frenchman born, that the thought (which I did not mean to utter here, how-ever) has passed through my mind often.
-- Every-body looked to see somebody fall, but only saw a man and a woman standing staring at each other; the man with all the outward aspect of a Frenchman and a thorough Republi-can; the woman, evidently English.
-- "I introduced you to him as Landau," she said in a soft voice, glancing at the Frenchman and again immediately after at Alexey Alexandrovitch, "but he is really Count Bezzubov, as you're probably aware.
-- The Frenchman was asleep as well as Stepan Arkadyevitch.
-- The Frenchman was asleep, or pretending to be asleep, with his head on the back of his chair, and his moist hand, as it lay on his knee, made faint movements, as though trying to catch something.
-- repeated the Frenchman impatiently.
-- Next day he received from Alexey Alexandrovitch a final answer, refusing to grant Anna's divorce, and he understood that this decision was based on what the Frenchman had said in his real or pretended trance.
-- The agile Frenchman was soon upon his feet again, and lost no time in knocking down two of his long-gowned adversaries with his fists and a vigorous application of his toes; then, rushing out of the pagoda as fast as his legs could carry him, he soon escaped the third priest by mingling with the crowd in the streets.
-- Had the Frenchman guessed his real purpose?
-- He was evidently suspected; somehow or other the Frenchman had found out that he was a detective.
-- They ordered two bottles of port, to which the Frenchman did ample justice, whilst Fix observed him with close attention.
-- But the Frenchman did not appear, and, without doubt, was still lying under the stupefying influence of the opium.
-- He might have gloated-- "Bacteriophage, the Frenchman calls it.
-- We've had a Frenchman here in his time, and it's my opinion he knowed more French than the Frenchman did.
-- Cast away at the very bottom of the table was the Profes-sor, shouting answers to the questions of a very inquisitive, deaf old gentleman on one side, and talking philosophy with a Frenchman on the other.
-- His title, schoolmaster, would very naturally seem derived from the name bestowed upon the harem itself, but some have surmised that the man who first thus entitled this sort of Ottoman whale, must have read the memoirs of Vidocq, and informed himself what sort of a country-schoolmaster that famous Frenchman was in his younger days, and what was the nature of those occult lessons he inculcated into some of his pupils.
-- Coming still nearer with the expiring breeze, we saw that the Frenchman had a second whale alongside; and this second whale seemed even more of a nosegay than the first.
-- Presently a breeze sprang up; Stubb feigned to cast off from the whale; hoisting his boats, the Frenchman soon increased his distance, while the Pequod slid in between him and Stubb's whale.
-- Is a Frenchman a man?'