
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:44


length是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 长, 长度; 一段, 一节, 程度, 范围,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The exact length of the straits is 372 miles.

-- After sailing along these deserted shores, the DUNCAN went through a series of narrow passes, between forests of beech and ash and birch, and at length doubled Cape Froward, still bristling with the ice of the last winter.



-- But at length some sense came back to their crazed minds, and the whole of them, thirteen in number, took horse and started in pursuit.

-- 'At least I might go the length of saying that there is some evidence that this may be so.'

-- I have not pushed it to the length of getting into a box to think, but that is the logical outcome of my convictions.

-- From this central point two long corridors extended the whole length of the build-ing, from which all the bedrooms opened.

-- Barrymore's only indication had been that the stranger lived in one of these abandoned huts, and many hundreds of them are scattered throughout the length and breadth of the moor.



-- His black-haired neighbour inspected these peculiarities, having nothing better to do, and at length remarked, with that rude enjoyment of the discomforts of others which the common classes so often show: 'Cold?'

-- At length a faint smile passed over her face, and she passed by him without a word.

-- The prince sat down, and at length prevailed upon Bur-dovsky's company to do likewise.

-- At length Adelaida burst out laughing, apolo-gized, and explained that they had come incognito; from which, and from the circumstance that they said nothing about the prince's either walking back with them or coming to see them later on, the latter inferred that he was in Mrs. Epanchin's black books.

-- At length she slowly bared her terrible teeth, opened her great red jaws, hesitated took courage, and seized the beast in her mouth.



-- He laid him at full length and cut out the sharp arrow from his thigh; he washed the black blood from the wound with warm water; he then crushed a bitter herb, rubbing it between his hands, and spread it upon the wound; this was a virtuous herb which killed all pain; so the wound presently dried and the blood left off flowing.

-- He fell as an oak, or poplar, or pine which shipwrights have felled for ship's timber upon the mountains with whetted axes even thus did he lie full length in front of his chariot and horses, grinding his teeth and clutching at the bloodstained dust.

-- He fell like some oak or silver poplar or tall pine to which woodmen have laid their axes upon the mountains to make timber for ship-building even so did he lie stretched at full length in front of his chariot and horses, moaning and clutching at the blood-stained dust.

-- His strength then failed him and he let Patroclus' foot drop from his hand, as he fell full length dead upon the body; thus he died far from the fertile land of Larissa, and never repaid his parents the cost of bringing him up, for his life was cut short early by the spear of mighty Ajax.

-- He loosed his hold of the spear, and held out both hands be-fore him; but Achilles drew his keen blade, and struck him by the collar-bone on his neck; he plunged his two-edged sword into him to the very hilt, whereon he lay at full length on the ground, with the dark blood welling from him till the earth was soaked.



-- Instead of "seeing 'bout it," however, Hall on his return was severely rated by his wife on the length of time he had spent in Sidderbridge, and his mild inquiries were answered snappishly and in a manner not to the point.

-- They had to argue about it at length in Yiddish and Cockney English.



-- I turned and surveyed the unsavoury length of the ship.

-- I refused to go aboard her, and flung myself full length on the deck.

-- His legs were scarcely half the length of his body.

-- I fell at full length upon the floor, and the door slammed and shut out the passionate intensity of his face.

-- Most striking, perhaps, in their general appearance was the disproportion between the legs of these creatures and the length of their bodies; and yet so relative is our idea of grace my eye became habituated to their forms, and at last I even fell in with their persuasion that my own long thighs were ungainly.









