
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:00:44


length是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 长, 长度; 一段, 一节, 程度, 范围,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- The way inwhich I listened to all the incidents of the house that madethemselves audible to me; the ringing of bells, the opening and 62shutting of doors, the murmuring of voices, the footsteps on thestairs; to any laughing, whistling, or singing, outside, whichseemed more dismal than anything else to me in my solitude anddisgrace- the uncertain pace of the hours, especially at night, whenI would wake thinking it was morning, and find that the familywere not yet gone to bed, and that all the length of night had yet tocome- the depressed dreams and nightmares I had- the return ofday, noon, afternoon, evening, when the boys played in thechurchyard, and I watched them from a distance within the room,being ashamed to show myself at the window lest they shouldknow I was a prisoner- the strange sensation of never hearingmyself speak- the fleeting intervals of something like cheerfulness,which came with eating and drinking, and went away with it- thesetting in of rain one evening, with a fresh smell, and its comingdown faster and faster between me and the church, until it andgathering night seemed to quench me in gloom, and fear, andremorseall this appears to have gone round and round for yearsinstead of days, it is so vividly and strongly stamped on myremembrance.

-- At these times, Mr.Micawber would be transported with grief and mortification, even 155to the length (as I was once made aware by a scream from his wife)of making motions at himself with a razor; but within half an hourafterwards, he would polish up his shoes with extraordinary pains,and go out, humming a tune with a greater air of gentility thanever.

-- At length I saw some before me; andapproaching them, went into a little shop (it was what we used tocall a general shop, at home), and inquired if they could have thegood- ness to tell me where Miss Trotwood lived.

-- I rememberhow the solemn feeling with which at length I turned my eyesaway, yielded to the sensation of gratitude and rest which the sightof the white-curtained bed- and how much more the lying softlydown upon it, nestling in the snow-white sheets!- inspired.



-- 'I do not consider its length as particularly in its favour.

-- And Mr. Weston at the same time, walking briskly with long steps through the passage, was calling out, 'You talk a great deal of the length of this passage, my dear.

-- He was to leave them early the next day; and he soon began with 'Well, Emma, I do not believe I have any thing more to say about the boys; but you have your sister's letter, and every thing is down at full length there we may be sure.

-- Mr. Weston might be his son's superior. In spite of this little rub, however, Emma was smiling with enjoyment, delighted to see the respect-able length of the set as it was forming, and to feel that she had so many hours of unusual festivity before her. She was more disturbed by Mr. Knightley's not dancing than by any thing else. There he was, among the standers-by, where he ought not to be; he ought to be dancing, not classing himself with the husbands, and fathers, and whist-players, who were pretending to feel an interest in the dance till their rubbers were made up, so young as he looked! He could not have appeared to greater advantage perhaps anywhere, than where he had placed himself.

-- A cold stormy rain set in, and nothing of July appeared but in the trees and shrubs, which the wind was despoiling, and the length of the day, which only made such cruel sights the longer visible.



-- At length she drew the article into her lap, and untied the paper covering; a small swing looking-glass was disclosed, in which she proceeded to survey herself attentively.

-- On somewhat suddenly awaking, after a sleep of whose length he had no idea, Oak found that the waggon was in motion.

-- However, a hay or a wheat-rick, well put together, will resist combustion for a length of time, if it begins on the outside.

-- At length there was a titter.

-- The pale lustre yet hanging in the north-western heaven was sufficient to show that a sprig of ivy had grown from the wall across the door to a length of more than a foot, delicately tying the panel to the stone jamb.



-- Her house (known in the neighborhood as the _Maison Vauquer_) receives men and women, old and young, and no word has ever been breathed against her respectable establishment; but, at the same time, it must be said that as a matter of fact no young woman has been under her roof for thirty years, and that if a young man stays there for any length of time it is a sure sign that his allowance must be of the slenderest.

-- When at length her boarder declined to nine hundred francs a year, she asked him very insolently what he took her house to be, after meeting one of these ladies on the stairs.

-- As he passes through all these successive initiations, and breaks out of his sheath, the horizons of life widen around him, and at length he grasps the plan of society with the different human strata of which it is composed.



-- I paused; at length he spoke, in broken accents: 'Un-happy man!Do you share my madness?

-- The interval was, consequently, spent in inaction; his grief only became more deep and rankling when he had leisure for reflection, and at length it took so fast hold of his mind that at the end of three months he lay on a bed of sickness, incapable of any exertion.

-- The time at length arrives when grief is rather an indulgence than a necessity; and the smile that plays upon the lips, although it may be deemed a sacrilege, is not banished.

-- The day of my departure at length arrived.

-- At length the high white steeple of the town met 42 Frankensteinmy eyes.



-- His was as Irish a face as could be found in the length andbreadth of the homeland he had left so long ago round, high colored, short nosed, wide mouthed and belligerent.

-- He would ruin his new gray broadcloth suit, which would cause him to swear horribly in the morning and tellEllen at great length how his horse fell off the bridge in the darkness a palpable lie which would fool no one butwhich would be accepted by all and make him feel very clever.









