- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 艺术与人文
- 学 制:
- 24个月
- 开课时间:
- 8月 9月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
- 24516美金 ( ≈163,440.00人民币 )
One copy of each transcript representing study beyond high school is required. Send these copies to the WSU Graduate School. Transcripts representing work from the current year (not yet finished) are acceptable. Unofficial transcripts are also acceptable, however if admitted you will need to submit certified official transcripts directly from the college or university where the academic work was completed.
Personal Statement:
The applicant should send a description of his or her interests in English studies, along with reasons for wishing to begin (or continue) graduate work, background or experience in teaching, career goals, and expectations regarding WSU. This statement should be no longer than about 500 words (two double-spaced pages). Send the statement directly to the WSU Graduate School.
Recommendation Letter:
The applicant is required to list three referees, each with his/her email address. The WSU Graduate School will then contact these referees, sending them electronic recommendation forms which will subsequently be made available to the admissions committee members in the English Department. Applicants should select referees who are capable of evaluating their qualifications for graduate study in English; at least one of the referees should address the applicant’s qualifications as a potential college level teacher (if the applicant is applying for a Teaching Assistantship).
Writing Sample:
All applicants should submit a recent sample of scholarly or critical writing. For those applying to the M.A. program, this sample would most likely be an essay written for an upper-level undergraduate course. For Ph.D applicants, the sample might come from a graduate seminar in literature, rhetoric, cultural studies, theory, etc. In either case, the sample should represent the applicant’s critical thinking skills and ability to write effectively for an academic audience. Essays with a significant research component are especially appropriate. The writing sample can be sent directly to the WSU Graduate School.

