Computer?Systems Engineering计算机系统工程专业概况
- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 工科
- 学 制:
- 24个月
- 开课时间:
- 8月 9月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
- 27256美金 ( ≈181,706.67人民币 )
gre要求:所有专业均需要有gre成绩,部分专业还需要gre subject成绩。
Academic credentials (all international records must be submitted in the original language accompanied by an official English translation). If you have attended a U.S. institution, one set of official transcripts from every college and university attended, except ASU. The required materials should be mailed to:
If sending by stamped mail:
Arizona State University
Graduate Admission Services
PO Box 871003
Tempe, AZ 85287-1003 If sending by FedEx, DHL or UPS:
Graduate Admission Services
Arizona State University
1151 S. Forest Avenue, #SSV112
Tempe, AZ 85287-0112
Please include the document reference number on all materials sent. Applications are not evaluated until all required documents have been received.
Personal Statement:
The statement of purpose is required for all applicants. Your statement of purpose should include the reason why you would like to pursue a degree with CIDSE, your research area of interest and your desire for further study in the field, and what you can contribute to the program. Explain how your undergraduate program and, if applicable, previous graduate school experience prepared you for studies at ASU. It is recommended that your statement of purpose is approximately 1-2 pages in length, concise, clear and informative.
Recommendation Letter:
Applicants will indicate three references to provide recommendations during the online application process. References will then receive an email to electronically submit their recommendation. References could be from current or former professors or employers who know your background and skills.
就现在的毕业生求职情况来看,计算机系统工程专业的应聘者在人才市场上还是比较受欢迎的。学生通过在学校24个月的学习掌握了相关技能, 就业前景比较乐观。

