- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 社科
- 学 制:
- 24个月
- 开课时间:
- 8月 9月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
- 27256美金 ( ≈181,706.67人民币 )
Official copy of transcripts. Unofficial copies will not be accepted. Students should send transcripts from each university or college they have attended (ASU transcripts do not need to be sent). Official transcripts are normally sent from the issuing institutions in sealed envelopes, stamped and verified by the issuing institutions.
If sending by U.S. mail send transcripts to:
Arizona State University
Graduate Admission Services
PO Box 871003
Tempe, AZ 85287-1003
If sending by FedEx, DHL or UPS send to:
Arizona State University
Graduate Admission Services
1151 S. Forest Avenue, #SSV112
Tempe, AZ 85287-0112
Curriculum Vitae:
Resume or CV (required). Applicants must attach their resume or curriculum vita to their application.
Personal Statement:
All applicants must upload a statement of intent when completing the online application. In no more than 600 words, applicants must explain the goals they intend to achieve through their program of study at the School of Sustainability. Applicants should describe how their background will contribute to their success in the program and how completion of their degree will support their long-term career goals. Finally, applicants should elaborate on key research questions they wish to address or problems they wish to solve as part of their program of study and identify potential faculty advisors.
Recommendation Letter:
Three recommendations are required. Applicants will be asked to provide contact information for their recommenders through the online application and will be asked whether or not they would like to waive the right to view the recommendations submitted. Upon completion and submission of the application, the recommendation form and instructions will automatically be sent to the recommender and they will be asked to submit their recommendations online. References should be from educators (preferred) or professionals familiar with the applicant’s experience and capability for graduate work. It is highly recommended that the recommendations are academic in nature and address the applicant’s experience and potential for success in a graduate program; however, we will also accept professional recommendations. If possible, at least one recommendation should be academic in nature. Applicants will be able to check the status of their recommendations online at MyASU. Instructions for setting up the MyASU account are automatically emailed to the applicant upon submission of the application.
Applicants will be rated on their writing ability, formal-speaking ability, reasoning and analysis, mathematics and statistics, and overall intellectual ability. Recommenders are asked to describe how they know the applicant and provide their opinion on the quality of the applicant’s academic achievements, intellectual ability and capability to complete advanced work in a graduate program; aspects of the applicant’s personality and character significant to graduate work; and special skills and experience as demonstrated in a vocation or profession.
Proof of measles immunization:
Documentation must be submitted to Student Health; see MMR Immunization Form. This is not absolutely necessary for applying to the program, but must be on file before enrolling in courses.

