Social Work社会工作专业概况
- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 社科
- 学 制:
- 24个月
- 开课时间:
- 1月 9月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
All post-secondary transcripts are required. Applicants who have attended Carleton University must upload their Carleton Transcripts. Applicants should upload University legends (grading scale) along with their transcripts.
Curriculum Vitae:
One (1) is required. It should include all previous work experience including non-Social Work experience. Feel free to attach a brief letter to the Admissions Committee identifying anything you feel is important to bring to their attention that is not addressed in the rest of the application (e.g. reason for low or failed grade/year, absence of academic or work reference etc.).
Personal Statement:
One (1) is required. It should be no longer than 1,500 words and answer specific questions.1) How have your life, work and educational experiences contributed to your understanding of yourself and others in relation to the society in which we live? (You may wish to reflect on various aspects of your identity such as gender and sexual orientation, economic/class status, life as an Aboriginal person, racial or cultural background, or abilities or disabilities.)2) Identify a social problem that you might want to address as a social worker. Discuss the factors that contribute to or cause this problem. What role would you like to play in resolving this problem?3) What interests you about applying to a structural school of social work? How does studying social work at Carleton fit with your career goals?
Recommendation Letter:
Three (3) are required. One must be an academic reference and one must be a professional reference. Give your referees plenty of time to complete and upload the form by the December 1st deadline.
Preference Form:
MSW Preference Form: One (1) is required. This form is available in the online application under “Supplementary Forms”.
Portfolio (Work Hour Summary Form): One (1) is required. All Social Work related work experience (paid and/or volunteer must be recorded. This form is available in the online application under “Supplementary Forms”.

