Public Health公共卫生专业概况
- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 生命科学与医学
- 学 制:
- 24个月
- 开课时间:
- 8月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
- 31166美金 ( ≈207,773.33人民币 )
1. 大四在读,大学本科毕业以上;2.大学平均成绩75-85分以上;3.英语要求托福80分以上,雅思6.5分以上,部分学校要求GRE,GMAT成绩,可以申请双录取;5.经济担保:40-60万人民币(根据学校选择和学费来定)。
Provide official transcripts showing all previous undergraduate, graduate, and professional work with grades and degrees. If you are still working towards your degree at the time of application, you will be required to send in your transcripts twice: once to SOPHAS at the time of application and a second time to our Graduate Admissions Office once your undergraduate degree is conferred by your current institution.
A note for International Students: SOPHAS only accepts WES-evaluated transcripts. However, the University of Iowa does NOT accept WES evaluated transcripts. Therefore, you MUST send a separate official transcript to University of Iowa Office of International Graduate Admissions.
Curriculum Vitae:
Upload your resume or CV
Personal Statement:
Write a personal statement. In your statement, please address the following questions (1,500-word limit):
Students must choose and apply to one subtrack or combined degree within the MPH Program. Which are you applying to and why?
How does the required coursework for the subtrack you are pursuing match up with what you hope to learn and achieve throughout the program?
In detail, please describe: your exposure to, training in, and/or work experiences within public health?
How does the MPH degree relate to your career goals?
Recommendation Letter:
Provide Three (3) Letters of Reference. These letters are submitted by your letter writers through SOPHAS. We recommend letters of reference from your academic experiences, but we also accept professional references.

