- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 艺术与人文
- 学 制:
- 24个月
- 开课时间:
- 8月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
- 28162美金 ( ≈187,746.67人民币 )
gre要求:所有专业均需要有gre成绩,部分专业还需要gre subject成绩。
Transcripts: Earning strong grades in anthropology and related courses, and earning progressively stronger grades over the course of one’s academic career to date, indicate good potential for success in graduate study. If there are lapses or gaps in your academic record, your statement of interest and/or letters of recommendation will ideally help to explain these.
Personal Statement:
Statement of interest: Strong statements of interest provide a focused description of your educational goals and career objectives, and clearly describe how these goals and objectives would be served by faculty mentoring and other resources available through our department and campus. We therefore encourage prospective applicants to examine the faculty profiles available at https://clas.uiowa.edu/anthropology/people/faculty , and to contact faculty with relevant interests.
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation should come from professionals who know you well enough to evaluate your potential for success in graduate study. Professors with whom you have taken multiple courses, who have supervised you in an independent study or honors research course, or with whom you have worked in a field school or laboratory setting are often ideal people to ask. One letter could also come from an employer or supervisor who can speak to characteristics such as work ethic, maturity, and focus. When requesting a letter of recommendation, including your resume/CV and a copy of your statement of interest will help the recommender to write a more detailed and personalized letter.
Example of Previous Work:
At least one example of your previous work (e.g., a term paper or an original experiment)

