- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 理科
- 学 制:
- 48个月
- 开课时间:
- 月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
- 16260美金 ( ≈108,400.00人民币 )
统计学系提供令人兴奋和改进的研究生课程,为学生在各个领域的前沿跨学科研究做好准备。统计学领域已成为生物学,物理学和社会科学以及人工智能等传统计算机科学领域研究的核心组成部分。有鉴于此,统计部目前正在将大约10名新教师扩展到计算和应用数学领域。通过科学测量和基于网络的收集,获得的数据大量增加,使得统计分析和预测方法的发展比以往任何时候都更加重要。我们的研究生课程旨在帮助学生通过理论,方法和统计学应用的严格培训来解决这些问题; 严格的科学计算培训; 和统计和计算核心方法以及各种跨学科领域的研究项目。
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 统计理论和方法 | Statistical Theory and Methods |
2 | 数学统计 | Mathematical Statistics |
3 | 分配理论 | Distribution Theory |
4 | 统计推断 | Adv. Statistical Inference |
5 | 数值线性代数 | Numerical Linear Algebra |
6 | 高级统计推断 | Advanced Statistical Inference |
7 | 高维时间序列分析 | High Dimensional Time Series Analysis |
8 | 多重测试,现代推理和可复制性 | Multiple Testing, Modern Inference, and Replicability |
9 | 数学计算I:矩阵计算课程 | Mathematical Computation I: Matrix Computation Course |
10 | 数学计算II:优化 | Mathematical Computation II: Optimization |
1. 学制:1-2年
2. 语言:托福90,雅思7.0;GRE
3. 学费:$6280/课程
4. 申请截止时间:秋:1月3日截止
A copy of your transcript from each undergraduate or graduate institution you have attended is required. Scanned or unofficial copies are sufficient for the admissions process. We only require official transcripts from students who ultimately join our program.
Your transcript and grades indicate the depth and breadth of your interests, as well as your performance in each of your courses. We have no minimum grade point average (GPA) for admission to our programs, but we do not view poor grades favorably, especially those obtained in statistics and mathematics courses.
It may be unclear from your transcript whether you have met the prerequisites for our program. For example, your transcript might show that your math courses were "Mathematics I" and "Mathematics II"; such uninformative course titles leave us in the dark about your math background. In these cases, we recommend that you include, in addition to your transcript, a list of the topics covered in each course that would be relevant to our program. You may upload your list on the "Statistics Supplement" tab in the online application. You may also use this supplement to explain your school’s grading system, address any unusual or low grades you received, or comment on other aspects of your transcript.
Personal Statement:
In your Candidate Statement you may indicate what areas of specification you are interested in (we encourage you to do so).The short essay provides you with an opportunity to tell us what interests you about Statistics, what your goals are, and what you hope to accomplish in your graduate studies. There is no need to tell us more about your grades, test scores, and course work in your essay—your transcript and other supporting material will provide this information. Instead, you should use the Candidate Statement as an opportunity to tell us about aspects of yourself that are not apparent from your transcript, such as extracurricular projects you have completed, work experience you have had, and so on. If you have completed graduate work elsewhere, your statement should include your reasons for wanting to change institutions or degree programs. This part of your statement is essential if you have completed more than two years of graduate study at other institutions.
Recommendation Letter:
Letters of recommendation provide insight into abilities, strengths, and weaknesses that cannot be reflected in grades and test scores alone. You should select referees who know your work well and will write a frank and detailed letter of appraisal of you and of your likely success in our graduate statistics program. Letters that speak to your mathematical or statistical abilities, any special experience that you might have (in statistical applications, for example), or your potential for research are particularly welcome.
Choose the people who will write letters of recommendation for you with care and observe the protocols of courtesy by letting them know that you will submit their contact information with their permission. After you submit their contact information, your referees will receive an email including the recommendation deadline, information pertaining to your right of access to view recommendations, and a link for submitting a recommendation. By following this link, referees can type a recommendation directly on our application website or upload a PDF file. If your referees have any difficulties submitting letters, please instruct them to contact admissions@galton.uchicago.edu for help.
Three letters of recommendation are required. Two additional letters may be included if you think the circumstances warrant it.
- 本科学校清华大学
- 本科专业数学
- 本科GPA3.82
- 推荐人力度1
- 科研1
- 本科学校浙江大学
- 本科专业统计学
- 本科GPA3.88
- 推荐人力度2
- 科研1
- 本科学校北京大学
- 本科专业经济学
- 本科GPA3.7
- 推荐人力度2
- 科研1
- 本科学校NU TOP50
- 本科专业统计学
- 本科GPA3.75
- 推荐人力度3
- 科研2

