Department of Health Science公共卫生专业概况
- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 生命科学与医学
- 学 制:
- 24个月
- 开课时间:
- 8月 9月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
- 10300美金 ( ≈68,666.67人民币 )
All applicants, both domestic and international, are required to upload ‘UNOFFICIAL’ transcripts for all institutions attended, at the time of application. Applicants who are subsequently recommended for admission by their respective graduate program must submit ‘OFFICIAL’ transcripts and/or proof of degree(s) for all previous institutions attended as a condition of being officially admitted to the university as outlined below.
For all post secondary work and/or degrees awarded outside of the United States, you must request an official credential evaluation report through International Evaluation Research Foundation (IERF) be sent to BYU Graduate Studies.
Curriculum Vitae:
CV is required
Personal Statement:
Include a statement of professional interest and related goals in public health and health promotion not to exceed 1000 words in length. This statement of professional interest must include the following: (a) preparation and background for the MPH program, (b) career goals in public health, (c) basic reasons for choosing a career in public health, (d) special qualities and talents that would enhance success in your public health career, (e) research interests, (f) professional interests, and (g) reasons for applying to Brigham Young University’s MPH program.
Recommendation Letter:
Include in the three letters of recommendation (Forms C1-C3 in the graduate application) attesting to your experience in public health or how your background has prepared you for a career in public health. This information is to be provided in addition to the general instructions for the letters of recommendation. Only one letter may be written by a faculty member in the Department of Health Science.
Other Document:
Include any relevant experience in public health among underserved or at-risk populations in domestic or international settings in your application or your statement of intent.
从目前的毕业生找工作情况来看,公共卫生专业的应聘者在职场上还是比较抢手的。学生通过在学校24个月的学习掌握了相关知识, 就业前景比较乐观。

