- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 社科
- 学 制:
- 12个月
- 开课时间:
- 8月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
- 66000美金 ( ≈440,000.00人民币 )
1. 大四在读,大学本科毕业以上;2.大学平均成绩75-85分以上;3.英语要求托福80分以上,雅思6.5分以上,部分学校要求GRE,GMAT成绩,可以申请双录取;5.经济担保:40-60万人民币(根据学校选择和学费来定)。
Official, school-certified transcripts of grades or marks from all colleges, universities, exchange programs and professional/graduate schools you have attended, even if you did not graduate. These should be submitted directly to LSAC in envelopes sealed by the appropriate school official, who then signs or stamps across the seal. Do not send documents certified by people other than school officials.
Recommendation Letter:
At least two, but no more than four, letters of recommendation, sent to LSAC for processing. Please follow the instructions provided in your LSAC.org account. More information on the letters of recommendation is available here.
Please add gradadmitlaw@virginia.edu to your safe senders lists. Offers of admission and other important information are communicated through email.
Advise us immediately of any mailing or email address changes
Other Document:
Official, school-certified proof of degree document, if proof of degree does not appear on transcript. This document should be sent directly to LSAC in an envelope sealed by the appropriate school official, who then signs or stamps across the seal. Please do not send documents certified by people other than school officials.
Other Document:
An official statement of class rank from the institution at which you earned or will earn your first degree in law. These should be submitted directly to LSAC in envelopes sealed by the appropriate school official who then signs or stamps across the seal. If such rankings are not provided by your school, provide a statement to this effect along with a detailed explanation of the grading system employed and a self-evaluation of your performance within that system.

