- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 社科
- 学 制:
- 24个月
- 开课时间:
- 8月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
- 27240美金 ( ≈181,600.00人民币 )
弗吉尼亚大学人类学研究生课程为学生在社会文化人类学,考古学和语言人类学领域的教学,研究和应用工作做好准备。人类学硕士学位课程强调:理论研究使学生对人类学领域有了广泛的了解理论与人种学研究的整合社会文化人类学,考古学和语言人类学三个子学科的合作与启发资助写作培训指导密集的实地研究培训和教学经验指导工作安排 与其他大学部门,计划和中心建立了紧密联系,包括CarterG.Woodson非裔美国人和非洲研究所;东亚语言和文化;英语;环境科学;历史;拉丁美洲研究;语言学;媒体研究;中东和南亚语言和文化;音乐;宗教研究;妇女与性别研究。
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 劳工、资本和州 | Labour, Capital, and States |
2 | 科学与文化 | Science and Culture |
3 | 亲属关系研究史 | History of Kinship Studies |
4 | 经济人类学 | Economic Anthropology |
5 | 世界心理健康 | World Mental Health |
6 | 方法论 | Methodology |
7 | 语言场方法 | Linguistic Field Methods |
8 | 形态学 | Morphology |
9 | 非洲语言 | African Languages |
10 | 语言和身份 | Language and Identity |
学费: $28,592/学年;
申请截止时间:December 15
The Graduate School asks applicants to upload unofficial transcripts when applying; applicants who are offered admission to our graduate program will then be asked to provide official copies of all transcripts.
Personal Statement:
The statement of purpose should offer a narrative of your accomplishments, including details of major papers and projects you completed as part of your prior studies. It should describe the anthropological questions you want to grapple with through your graduate study and research, along with the particular regions or historical periods on which you will focus (although we do understand that your plans may alter with time). And it should let us know what your future career plans are, your reasons for applying to study in this Department specifically, and aspects of your background, skills, and linguistic abilities that may aid the Admissions Committee in evaluating your aptitude for graduate study.
Recommendation Letter:
Letters of recommendation should be requested from people who know you well and can speak to the quality of your academic skills (especially in careful reading, writing, and the construction of arguments), your ability to work cooperatively with others, and your prior accomplishments.
Writing Sample:
The writing sample should be a major course paper or other substantial essay that showcases your ability to frame a scholarly argument, to develop it by discussing pertinent literature, and to analyze relevant primary materials. For applicants with an MA, the writing sample should be your MA thesis or equivalent.

