Environmental Engineering环境工程专业概况
- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 工科
- 学 制:
- 24个月
- 开课时间:
- 9月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
- 19061美金 ( ≈127,073.33人民币 )
Official transcript of the undergraduate degree, including a copy of the title and the courses and grades. Translations have to be provided for transcripts from foreign institutions.Upload into your application an unofficial transcript from the school where you received your bachelor’s degree and any courses taken beyond that degree, regardless of whether or not a degree was received. You can upload your unofficial transcripts using the “Upload All Documents here” link on the online application. (International students see below for more specific requirements).The most common reason for delayed consideration of graduate school applications is missing transcripts. Be sure to include all transcripts with your admissions materials; failure to provide transcripts from all educational institutions, regardless of whether or not a degree was received, may be grounds for cancellation of admission.
AFTER you complete your application, request official transcripts from each college or university that you have attended. Official transcripts are issued by the college/university attended and bear the impressed or colored seal of that institution. Do not open the sealed transcripts you send to us.Unofficial, scanned, faxed, or notarized copies will not be accepted as official transcripts.If your University sends official transcripts electronically, they should be sent directly to the following email address only: GradAdmissions@uconn.edu (Do NOT send them to the BiomedSci email address)Transcripts become the property of the University.
Official transcripts/degree certificates only should be sent directly to the main campus at Storrs:
The Whetten Graduate Center
Second Floor
University of Connecticut
438 Whitney Road Extension, Unit 1152
Storrs, CT 06269-1152
If you are selected for admission, all official transcripts, mark sheets, or degree certificates/diplomas (international) are required to finalize your admission to the program.
Personal Statement:
Statement of purpose: indicate the type of research you wish to pursue, your expertise in that area and any particular advisor you wish to work with (not required).
Recommendation Letter:
Three letters of recommendation are required, preferably from faculty with whom the candidate has worked with or taken course(s). There is no specific form for the letters of recommendation. Letters are uploaded directly by the referees as part of the online application.

