Social Work社会工作专业概况
- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 社科
- 学 制:
- 24个月
- 开课时间:
- 9月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
- 19061美金 ( ≈127,073.33人民币 )
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 社会老年学 | Social Gerontology |
2 | 精神健康和药物滥用方面的新问题 | Emerging Issues in Mental Health and Substance Abuse |
3 | 药物滥用1 | Substance Abuse I |
4 | 药物滥用2:酒精和其他药物的治疗和预防 | Substance Abuse II: Treatment and Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drugs |
5 | 老龄化与心理健康 | Aging and Mental Health |
6 | 文化和心理健康 | Culture and Mental Health Mental Health Disparities |
7 | 儿童和青少年的临床情况 | Clinical Conditions with Children and Adolescents |
8 | 成人和老年人的临床情况 | Clinical Conditions with Adults and Older Adults |
9 | 治疗环境中的小组工作实践 | Group Work Practice in Therapeutic Settings |
10 | 儿童和青少年创伤 | Child and Adolescent Trauma |
11 | 老龄政策问题 | Policy Issues in Aging |
12 | 行为与综合医疗保健 | Behavioral & Integrated Healthcare |
Upload transcripts from the school where you received your bachelor’s degree and any courses taken beyond regardless of whether a degree was received.
Failure to upload transcripts from all educational institutions, regardless of whether or not a degree was received, may be grounds for cancellation of admission.
Official transcripts become the property of the University.
The most common reason for delayed consideration of applications is failure to upload all required transcripts. Please be sure to include all of your transcripts with your application.
If you attended an international university and have one set of original documents or diploma, you can mail them to The Graduate School and we will make a copy and return the original document(s) to you. Please attach an International Transcripts Cover Sheet.pdf with your submission. If you submitted these documents when applying for admission to a university in the US which you currently attend, we will accept copies from the registrar or graduate school if they certify that these documents from your prior university were made from the originals.
Your admission will not be finalized until all official transcripts, mark sheets, degree certificates or diplomas are received by The Graduate School.
Please note: All official transcripts will be required at the time an offer of admission is given. Scanned, faxed or notarized copies will not be considered as official.

