- 学位类型:
- 硕士
- 专业方向:
- 商科
- 学 制:
- 24个月
- 开课时间:
- 8月 9月
- 开课类型:
- 全日制
- 学 费:
- 28958美金 ( ≈193,053.33人民币 )
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 法务会计 | Forensic Accounting |
2 | 战略成本管理 | Strategic Cost Management |
3 | 商法 | Business Law |
4 | 战略成本管理 | Strategic Cost Management |
5 | 商法 | Business Law |
6 | 财务报表分析 | Financial Statement Analysis |
7 | 统计分析 | Statistical Analysis |
8 | 决策技术 | Decision Technologies |
9 | 经济分析 | Economic Analysis |
学制: 1 or 2年
申请截止时间:October 1 / December 1 / February 1
Transcripts/Academic documents are required.
Curriculum Vitae:
When entering your current and previous employment, please format the work experience in two (2) sections. The first section should list all full-time positions held. Include the name and location of employer (including military service), your title and the month and year you began and ended employment. In the second section, please list the same information for all part-time and internship positions.Please also present a brief description of your job responsibilities for each entry.
Personal Statement:
Submit responses to the question for the required essay in the online application form. Please use double spacing. A third, optional essay is available for you to communicate something to the Admissions Committee that you feel is not otherwise addressed in your application. The required essay is listed below:
o Essay #1
In 250 words or less total, please describe your post-graduate career goal, the skills in which you excel, and your key accomplishments.
If you will be a working professional in the part-time MBA program or a company-sponsored student, adjust the first part of the essay FROM
“Tell us your post-graduate career goal” TO explain how your graduate business degree will add value to your organization and enhance your career.(http://www.business.pitt.edu/katz/mba/admissions/apply.php)
Recommendation Letter:
We require two (2) recommendations from a professional relationship. The online
application provides a mechanism for obtaining these electronically as well as the
ability to print a form if your recommender chooses to submit a traditional paper
recommendation. If your recommender chooses to submit a paper
recommendation, please request that they complete the form provided in addition
to any personal letter that they may wish to enclose. The recommender should
place the completed form in an envelope and write their signature across the
sealed flap of the envelope. Although we prefer that the completed
recommendation be given back to you and placed, unopened, in your selfmanaged
application packet, we will accept recommendations that are mailed
directly to our office. The recommendations must be originals. We will neither
accept recommendations that have been faxed or sent via email nor will we
accept any recommendation that has been opened. Notification will be sent to
each recommender to acknowledge our receipt of the recommendation.

