ApplecrossSeniorHighSchool公立 中学
Applecross Senior High School
Links Road,ARDROSS 6154,Western Australia -
巴尔卡塔高中公立 中学
Balcatta Senior High School
31 Poincaire Street,Balcatta,Western Australia -
CarineSeniorHighSchool公立 中学
Carine Senior High School
Everingham St, CARINE 6020,Western Australia -
奇兰兹高级中学公立 中学
Churchlands Senior High School
20 Lucca St,Churchlands,Western Australia 6018 -
BalajurraSeniorHighSchool公立 中学
Balajurra Senior High School
Illawarra Crescent South Ballajura,Western Australia -
ComoSecondaryCollege公立 中学
Como Secondary College
Bruce Street, Como WA, 6152, Australia -
EllenbrookSecondaryCollege公立 中学
Ellenbrook Secondary College
5 Santona Boulevard,Ellenbrook WA 6069 -
GreenwoodSeniorHighSchool公立 中学
Greenwood Senior High School
79 Coolibah Drive,Greenwood,Western Australia -
约翰科廷艺术学院公立 中学
John Curtin College of the Arts
90 Ellen Street,FREMANTLE, WA 6160 -
JohnForrestSecondaryCollege公立 中学
John Forrest Secondary College
180 Drake St,MORLEY, WA 6062