Bankstown Girls High School- 学校概况
- 院校简介
Bankstown Girls High School is a comprehensive girls high school. We want each girl to be an independent life long-learner who will be able to make a strong contribution to our community through employment and participation as an effective citizen. As a school we value the contribution all groups can make to our society. We have strong emphasis on providing pathways to further education and training through academic and vocational education. Our young women have the opportunity to develop their leadership, sporting and cultural potential through a variety of programs.
Values are taught in the classroom to help our students to:
develop a love of learning
pursue excellence and high standards
develop care and respect for themselves and others
take pride in their work
exhibit a strong sense of fairness and social justice
have respect for and understanding of Australia's history including the cultures and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the first peoples of Australia, and Australia as a multicultural society
have an appreciation of Australia's history and multicultural society
actively participate as citizens.
All students are expected to:
attend school every day, unless they are legally excused
be in class on time and prepared to learn
maintain a neat appearance and follow the school uniform policy
behave safely, considerately and responsibly including when travelling to and from school
follow class rules, speak courteously and cooperate with instructions and learning activities
treat staff, other students and members of the school community with dignity and respect
care for property belonging to themselves, the school and others.
Any behaviour that infringes on other people's safety such as harassment, bullying or any illegal behaviour will not be tolerated at our school.
Our school environment welcomes and respects people from all backgrounds.
Browse this section to find out how we work with you to provide a safe and caring learning environment for your child and also keep informed about support for school families.
Bankstown Girls HS has an active and experienced Welfare Team that run programs specifically designed to cater and care for girls 11-19 years old.
Welfare initiates and coordinates activities related to the:
Attendance Policy
Anti-Bullying Program
Vaccination Program
Student Mentoring Program
Peer Mediation Program
Volunteering Program
Q: Bankstown Girls High School毕业率如何?2024-01-26A:
班克斯镇女子公立中学(Bankstown Girls High School)建于1960年,是一所综合性的女子学校。它的目标是把学生培养成独立的终身学习者,并通过职业发展为社会做出重大贡献。学校认为高质量的教育不仅仅包括学业上的成功,还要注重表演艺术,体育,技术,领导力和公民责任的教育。
班克斯镇女子公立中学(Bankstown Girls High School)新装修了科学实验室,配备了互动白板、新课桌椅和新地毯,还为9-10年级的学生配备了笔记本电脑。学校在2010年的高中文凭考试中取得了良好的成绩,很多学生达到了自己的目标,为将来打好了坚实的基础。班克斯镇女子中学还在其他领域取得了优异的成绩,比如舞蹈比赛、音乐表演、艺术比赛、辩论比赛、体育比赛、数学和血和设计比赛。学生的成功也得益于高质量的教师。
60%的学生接受高等教育2024-01-26 -
Q: Bankstown Girls High School优势有哪些?2024-01-11A:
班克斯镇女子公立中学(Bankstown Girls High School)新装修了科学实验室,配备了互动白板、新课桌椅和新地毯,还为9-10年级的学生配备了笔记本电脑。学校在2010年的高中文凭考试中取得了良好的成绩,很多学生达到了自己的目标,为将来打好了坚实的基础。班克斯镇女子中学还在其他领域取得了优异的成绩,比如舞蹈比赛、音乐表演、艺术比赛、辩论比赛、体育比赛、数学和血和设计比赛。学生的成功也得益于高质量的教师。
班克斯镇女子公立中学(Bankstown Girls High School)招收具有各种文化背景的国际学生,学校为学生提供在学业等各方面的支持,其中包括,国际学生协调员、定向辅导计划、ELP、课堂支持、学术报告、国际学生游览等。