

The Jannali High School

  The Jannali High School is a comprehensive coeducational high school in the Sutherland Shire. Our experienced and dedicated staff provide a high quality education for students of all abilities. Jannali High students have a tradition of fine academic achievements. Most students achieve HSC success and continue to university or further tertiary training. Many have represented the school in sport, debating, public speaking and have also been part of our musicals, a cappella ensemble and orchestras.

  Our graduates are confident, caring, focused, mature young men and women with positive attitudes. They have a good sense of community, citizenship and ecological responsibility, as well as an understanding of and respect for other cultures and peoples.

  The school enjoys a reputation for a relaxed atmosphere with a positive focus on learning. Students learn in a safe, supportive environment and develop self discipline, motivation, teamwork, self confidence and responsibility. Our school has effective discipline, uniform and attendance policies that reinforce our high expectations of each student.

  Our school ethos is centred on values including:

  striving for success and excellence;

  respect for the rights of others;

  taking responsibility for one's own actions;

  care for others in the school and the wider community;

  active participation in school life and cooperation with others;

  acting with integrity.

  The Jannali High School has strong links with its community, parents, local primary schools and TAFE campuses. We are a proud member of the Heart of the Shire Community of Schools, a group of schools working together to provide the best possible education for all students.

  Please contact us to discuss your child's education or to have a tour of our excellent facilities.

  Rules & policies

  Values are taught in the classroom to help our students to:

  develop a love of learning

  pursue excellence and high standards

  develop care and respect for themselves and others

  take pride in their work

  exhibit a strong sense of fairness and social justice

  have respect for and understanding of Australia's history including the cultures and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the first peoples of Australia, and Australia as a multicultural society

  have an appreciation of Australia's history and multicultural society

  actively participate as citizens.

  All students are expected to:

  attend school every day, unless they are legally excused

  be in class on time and prepared to learn

  maintain a neat appearance and follow the school uniform policy

  behave safely, considerately and responsibly including when travelling to and from school

  follow class rules, speak courteously and cooperate with instructions and learning activities

  treat staff, other students and members of the school community with dignity and respect

  care for property belonging to themselves, the school and others.

  Any behaviour that infringes on other people's safety such as harassment, bullying or any illegal behaviour will not be tolerated at our school.


  • Q: The Jannali High School优势有哪些?

    坚内利公立中学(The Jannali High School)建于1992年,是一所Sutherland Shire地区的综合性,男女混合学校,位于坚内利。那是一个宁静、绿树成荫的地区,风景十分优美。

    坚内利公立中学(The Jannali High School)学生的学业成绩一直十分出众,绝大多数学生取得了高中文凭考试成功并且进入高等院校进一步学习。很多学生代表学校参加体育、辩论、演讲、音乐等比赛。经验丰富的教师为学生各个方面提供高质量的教学。从坚内利公立中学毕业的学生都是自信、关心他人、专注、成熟并且积极的人。他们关注社区并且有责任感,能理解他人尊重他人。中学学习氛围轻松积极,能为学生提供安全具有支持性的学习环境,培养学生的自律精神、自我激励、团队合作、自信以及责任感。

    坚内利公立中学(The Jannali High School)与社区、家长和当地小学以及职业学院和大学联系紧密。学校是“Shire Coomunity of Schools”一员,能为学生提供最好的学习机会。学校欢迎和尊重不同背景的学生。

  • Q: The Jannali High School世界排名如何?

    坚内利公立中学(The Jannali High School)建于1992年,是一所Sutherland Shire地区的综合性,男女混合学校,位于坚内利。那是一个宁静、绿树成荫的地区,风景十分优美。

    坚内利公立中学(The Jannali High School)学生的学业成绩一直十分出众,绝大多数学生取得了高中文凭考试成功并且进入高等院校进一步学习。很多学生代表学校参加体育、辩论、演讲、音乐等比赛。经验丰富的教师为学生各个方面提供高质量的教学。从坚内利公立中学毕业的学生都是自信、关心他人、专注、成熟并且积极的人。他们关注社区并且有责任感,能理解他人尊重他人。中学学习氛围轻松积极,能为学生提供安全具有支持性的学习环境,培养学生的自律精神、自我激励、团队合作、自信以及责任感。


    学生的整体成绩高于国家平均水平 学校取得了37项嘉奖

