Cleveland Street Intensive English High School- 学校概况
- 院校简介
Cleveland Street Intensive English High School (CSIEHS) is a new type of school within the NSW Department of Education and Training’s system of secondary schools and was created within the revitalization of inner city schools strategy, June 2001.
Our students
Students attending the school can come from as many as 100 different countries, bringing with them a great diversity of languages, customs and beliefs. Our students are all newly-arrived, non-English speaking background students of high school age. They spend approximately three to twelve months at the school. When they are ready to leave our school most students transfer to other government high schools in order to complete their studies in the school certificate or higher school certificate. Some students will choose to begin other courses of study at other institutions, such as Technical and Further Education (TAFE), and some may go directly to work.
Our staff
The staff consists of a principal, deputy principal, head teachers, classroom teachers, specialist migrant counsellors, school assistant support staff (administration and bi-lingual) and general assistant. All teachers at this school are trained in at least two methodologies, English as a Second Language and other subject areas. Many of the teachers are also bi-lingual.
Cleveland Street Intensive English High School's mandate is to:
provide intensive English language tuition to secondary-aged, newly arrived permanent, refugee, long-term temporary resident and international students;
develop innovative new arrival English language, orientation, settlement, welfare and transition programs;
provide English as a second language (ESL), key learning areas (KLA), outcomes-based, transition to high school programs. ESL is taught through the content areas of the English, Mathematics, Science, Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE), Creative Arts (including Visual Arts, Music), Technology and Applied Studies (TAS) (including Information Communications Technology, Food Technology) and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) KLAs;
develop and deliver online program support to new arrival ESL secondary students and teachers in rural and isolated schools;
create and implement community programs for parents;
develop program links with tertiary educational providers;
develop program links with the Sydney Secondary College.
Q: Cleveland Street Intensive English High School怎样?2024-03-03A:
克里夫兰街英语强化高中(Cleveland Street Intensive English High School)是专业的英语语言学校,在新南威尔士州教育部和培训系统的中学中,是一所新型的学校,而且还被纳入振兴市内学校策略中。学校建于2002/年,给本地的学生和国际学生制定了深入的语言学习、结算等指导和福利性的计划,在转到他们指定的公立学校、技术和继续教育研究所或是他们工作的地方之前,学生要上10―50周的高中预备课程。除此之外学校还提供基础语言课程和过渡课程,以保证学生以后能在澳大利亚的学习能够顺利。
克里夫兰街英语强化高中(Cleveland Street Intensive English High School)的学生来自100多个不同的国家,大约有30个不同的语言背景,带来很多不同的语言、习俗和信仰。学校配备了双语的职工来支持学生学习。国际学生在克里兰夫街入学需要联系国际学生中心。
双语助教、学习与实践结合、伙伴计划2024-03-03 -
Q: Cleveland Street Intensive English High School怎么样?2024-02-23A:
克里夫兰街英语强化高中(Cleveland Street Intensive English High School)是专业的英语语言学校,在新南威尔士州教育部和培训系统的中学中,是一所新型的学校,而且还被纳入振兴市内学校策略中。学校建于2002/年,给本地的学生和国际学生制定了深入的语言学习、结算等指导和福利性的计划,在转到他们指定的公立学校、技术和继续教育研究所或是他们工作的地方之前,学生要上10―50周的高中预备课程。除此之外学校还提供基础语言课程和过渡课程,以保证学生以后能在澳大利亚的学习能够顺利。
克里夫兰街英语强化高中(Cleveland Street Intensive English High School)的学生来自100多个不同的国家,大约有30个不同的语言背景,带来很多不同的语言、习俗和信仰。学校配备了双语的职工来支持学生学习。国际学生在克里兰夫街入学需要联系国际学生中心。2024-02-23