

St. Francis College

St. Francis' college圣弗朗西斯公学


学校类别:女校,Day and Boarding


地理位置:伦敦北部45英里,赫特福德郡的Letchworth Garden市中心,开车到伦敦市中心1个小时,开车到剑桥30分钟(30 minutes by train to London Kings Cross and 20 minutes to Cambridge);





国际生主要入学年龄(Boarding):10-17岁(10%左右的国际生比例)11+,13+,16+(Examinations for entry into other years can be arranged at any time, provided places are available)

考试形式: 英语+数学+非文字推理(an academically selective school)需要现有学校的推荐信;11+,13+需要考试English, Mathematics and Non Verbal Reasoning

开设课程:GCSE A-LEVEL Year7-Year9

入学季: 9月,一般要提前一年申请,头一年12月截止申请,1月中旬提交艺术作品和参加考试;

费用:申请费£100 全寄宿£35,000/年左右 (以offer为准)

地址:Broadway, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 3PJ



--地理位置优越,环境优美--位于Letchworth Garden City 世界知名的花园城市的世界文化遗产所在地,开车到伦敦市中心1个小时,开车到剑桥30分钟;

--成绩优越,是Selective School--对学生录取有标准,有要求;在最近的A-Level考试中,St. Francis' college圣弗朗西斯公学有84%的学生取得了A*-B的成绩;其中,49%获得了A-A*;在GCSE考试中,100%的学生获得了及格成绩A*-C, 61%获得了A*-A;学生的毕业走向包括:牛津大学,剑桥大学,杜伦大学,伦敦政经,华威大学,UCL,KCL,曼彻斯特大学,爱丁堡大学等;

--处于英国传统的富人区, St. Francis' college圣弗朗西斯公学本土学生较多-英国传统的中产阶级所在地,国际学生只占到10%左右; St. Francis' college圣弗朗西斯公学最初是一个基督教的社团,但是欢迎无信仰的来自全世界的学生申请;于1983年改名为公学;

--圣弗朗西斯公学致力于在精神、品德、学术、创造力方面为女孩子们提供全方位的发展空间--学校为在学术,音乐和体育方面表现优秀的学生提供丰厚的奖学金,从而鼓励学生们追求自己的兴趣。学校开设了很多适合女孩子个性的艺术类专业,包括了启发学生创造性的艺术课程,给对音乐、陶瓷、设计和戏剧方面有兴趣的同学修读,并设置了艺术设计,音乐,戏剧和表演类的奖学金-- St. Francis’ has strong traditions in art, dance, drama, music and sport Candidates who take the January Entrance Examination are automatically considered for scholarships;并且还带着女孩子们到海外旅行,去印度,乌干达,冰岛等地体验考古学,3D打印机技术等;



Arts Scholarships

There are four Arts Scholarships (Art, Dance, Drama, Music) to the value of 10% each plus tuition in one discipline taken in College available at 11+. We also offer two scholarships available at 13+ and 16+ tuition in one discipline taken in College.

Art 11+ & 13+: Candidates are encouraged to submit between 10–15 pieces of work. This should include examples of observational pencil drawings and a couple of drawings from life, not a photograph. The Art Department is looking for the candidate to demonstrate a diverse portfolio and show a desire to work independently. They would like to see an enthusiasm of the subject and for the candidate to demonstrate that she has a strong desire to experiment and create artworks.

Art 16+: The candidate’s portfolio of work should show a range of drawing abilities, one final outcome and possibly a sketchbook to demonstrate her ideas. The candidate must include one pencil drawing from first-hand observation, along with a selection of pieces that demonstrate a range of materials and experimentation. It is important that the candidate edits the best pieces to show off her skills and include work produced independently as well as during tutored sessions.

All candidates should bring their portfolio to St. Francis’ College for 9am on Friday 17th January 2020. It will be ready for collection at the end of the day.Drama auditions will be held on Friday 17th January 2020. Auditions for Dance and Music will take place on Saturday 18th January 2020. Dance auditions will be held in the afternoon only.

Music 13+: Ideally, musicianship and technical proficiency should be shown on two instruments. One instrument should be Grade 5 standard or above (Associated Board or the equivalent). However, the College will audition a candidate if she only has one instrument at Grade 5 or above.

Music 16+: Ideally, musicianship and technical proficiency should be shown on two instruments. One instrument should be Grade 7 standard or above (Associated Board or the equivalent). However, the College will audition a candidate if she only has one instrument at Grade 7 or above.



Most pupils take 9, 10 or 11 subjects at this level. The core subjects taken by all pupils are:

English and English Literature


Double Science

PE (Non-examination)

Personal, Social, Health & Economic (Non-examination)



学校开设的社团 :有美术及陶瓷学会、科学及电脑会、歌咏团、管弦乐团、乐器小组、爵士乐团、游泳、健身、跳弹床、辩论、图书管理、戏剧、舞蹈等等,这些都可以保证女孩子们有丰富的课余生活,使学生全面发展。
