

Noble Park Secondary College

  In 2012 we will continue to focus upon literacy and e learning as priority areas within our Annual Implementation Plan.

  All Year 7, 8, 11, 12 and Year 10 students completing a VET or VCE subject will have their own personal netbook in 2012.  With today’s technological revolution upon us, it is very important that our students are well equipped to keep abreast with the latest information available at all times.

  Noble Park Secondary College has been identified as a lead user of the “Ultranet” which is a new online learning system for schools.  The Ultranet is a state wide secure site that teachers, parents/guardians and students can access via the internet.  Our students and teachers will be able to collaborate in the Ultranet using on line tools such as wikis, blogs and discussion forums.  Students will be able to access and share valuable online learning content across Victoria.

  As a College, we are working on a whole school approach on improving student literacy results.  In 2012 our staff will be working with Professor John Munro to further enhance our student literacy results. Staff will be working in professional learning teams within their Domains throughout 2012.

  In 2012 we are pleased to be finally using our new BER Science Centre.  As a Science Specialist School, we are continuing to build upon the links from specialist organisations that will enhance the learning for our students with the latest up to date information.

  In 2012 we are starting a new Year 7/8 Learning Centre which will provide a focus of collaborative learning in a flexible learning space.

  We will continue to offer our Victorian Rugby Union Academy program, where we had a great success in 2011, especially with our Under 14 students winning the State Finals.  Both our junior and senior students are supported in the program with elite sport coaches from the Victorian Rugby Union as well as qualified PE staff from our College.  We are looking forward to great competitions with the Rugby as well as building student leadership skills with our primary feeder schools.

  Our College continues to offer a safe and caring environment, as we are proud of the rich relationships between staff and students offering innovative and diverse curriculum for Years 7-12 on a standalone campus, which has extensive and attractive grounds.

  Noble Park Secondary College Mission

  Our mission is to value add for all students!

  College Values







  • Q: Noble Park Secondary College申请条件如何?

    诺贝尔公园中学(Noble Park Secondary College)位于墨尔本东南近郊,距离火车站约500米,国际学生可以独自乘车来校。学校离市中心28公里,乘火车约30分钟。顶尖大学莫纳什大学就在附近(乘火车4站路),便于学生参加各种提高学习。学校以师生之间的深厚关系为荣,维持安全和关爱的环境,在宽敞迷人的独立校区中为7到12年级学生提供最具创新性的课程。

    诺贝尔公园中学(Noble Park Secondary College)的留学生计划不断扩展,学生们反映学校在强烈注重学业的同时,还提供极为多样的课外活动,包括访问我们的日本姐妹学校、成人礼舞会、戏剧制作、器乐课程、学生领导代表机构、广泛的体育计划、野营、剧场、远足和午餐会等。通过这些活动,学生们得以广交朋友,充分体验我们的生活方式。本校是全州最早向学生提供个人上网本电脑的学校之一,该举措使学生能够每周七天、全天24小时使用技术,“随时随地”不断学习。我们为7到9 年级成绩优异的学生提供提高班课程;我们的高中课程提供VCE和职业科目,包括:VET 体育和社区休闲、VET多媒体和VET商业。这为本校10到12年级学生拓展了学习方向。

    入学考试 无

    年级范围 7年级-12年级
