London School of Business and Finance- 学校概况
- 院校简介
英国伦敦商业金融学院(London School of Business and Finance)是一所规模庞大、享负盛名,并得到英国皇室(肯特郡迈克尔亲王)全力支持的商业管理类院校。学院的研究生/硕士课程是全球少数同时获得世界三大权威商学教育认证(英国工商管理硕士协会(AMBA)、欧洲商学院质量认证体系(EQUIS)、国际商学院联合会(AACSB)的商学院课程。
英国伦敦商业金融学院是英国的权威机构认证的指定学校(Listed Bodies)之一,拥有授予高等学位课程的权利。为了更好的让学生为将来的工作做准备,该校与具有学位颁发权利的合作院校(Recognised Bodies)提供各种各样的国际预科、本科、研究生硕士学位、和各种专业课程的双学位。英国伦敦商业金融学院多年以来的高质量教学,学校与各名牌大学保持紧密的合作关系,并共同开办创新的英法双学位硕士课程。
Q: 请问伦敦商业金融学院奖学金项目如何?2024-12-16A:
HRH Emerging Markets Scholarship (Patron‘s Scholarship)
Only International students are eligible
Funded by: HRH Prince Michael of Kent
Open to: International applicants from emerging markets globally (excluding USA, Canada, and countries within the EU) that are dedicated to contributing to their home country’s economic development.
Candidates will be considered based on their Qualifying Statement where applicants will describe how undertaking the programme of their choice will affect career, educational, and personal goals. Candidates should also describe how they intend to contribute to the economic development of their country and what obstacles they will have to overcome.
Recipients of this award will be expected to act as ambassadors for LSBF and assist with marketing efforts in their region.
Principal‘s Scholarship for Entrepreneurship
International and Home students are both eligible
Funded by: Founding CEO, Aaron Etingen
Open to: Students who possess the entrepreneurial spirit and motivation to translate their visions into enterprises, both profit and non-profit.
Candidates will be considered based on their Qualifying Statement where each applicant should include a history of activities demonstrating entrepreneurial spirit, from developing a project plan for a venture to actually having owned and operating a small business. Applicants should also describe how undertaking the programme of their choice will affect career, educational, and personal goals.
Recipients of this award will be expected to act as ambassadors for LSBF and assist with marketing efforts once awarded.
Vice Rector’s Scholarship for Academic Excellence
International and Home students are both eligible
Funded by: Professor James Kirkbride, LSBF Vice Rector
Open to: Students who can demonstrate leadership potential in a global business environment both with exceptional academic merits and an established track record of excellence in their chosen career. Although these scholarships are historically awarded to postgraduate applicants, undergraduate candidates will be considered based on academic merit and an outstanding Qualifying Statement.
Candidates will be considered based on their Qualifying Statement where applicants will describe how undertaking the programme of their choice will affect career, educational, and personal goals. Candidates should also describe how their academic merits and career success has provided them with leadership potential.
Recipients of this award will be expected to act as ambassadors for LSBF and assist with marketing efforts once awarded.
LSBF Women in Business Scholarship
International and Home students are both eligible
Funded by: Dr. Ann Thorne, Dean of Business School
Open to: All female applicants who can demonstrate leadership potential in a global business environment both with exceptional academic merits and an established track record of excellence in their chosen career. Although these scholarships are historically awarded to postgraduate applicants, undergraduate candidates will be considered based on academic merit and an outstanding Qualifying Statement.
This scholarship was introduced to alleviate the financial barriers women face internationally and encourage the strategic and analytical thinking necessary for women to progress up the corporate ladder.
Candidates will be considered based on their Qualifying Statement where applicants will describe how undertaking the programme of their choice will affect career, educational, and personal goals. Candidates should also describe how their academic merits and career success has provided them with leadership potential.
Recipients2024-12-16 -
Q: 老师,英国伦敦商业金融学院是怎么样一所学校啊?老师能介绍一下吗?2024-12-16A:
英国伦敦商业金融学院是英国的权威机构认证的指定学校(Listed Bodies)之一,拥有授予高等学位课程的权利。为了更好的让我们的学生为将来的工作做准备,我校与具有学位颁发权利的合作院校(Recognised Bodies)提供各种各样的国际预科、本科、研究生硕士学位、和各种专业课程的双学位。英国伦敦商业金融学院多年以来的高质量教学,让我们与各名牌大学保持紧密的合作关系,并与我们共同开办创新的英法双学位硕士课程。
2024-12-16 -
Q: 请问伦敦商业金融学院学费要多少?2024-12-16A:
Course Fees at LSBF
Postgraduate Programmes
London Campus
Postgraduate Programme Home Fees Overseas Fees
Global MBA £14,250 £14,250
2 Year MBA £20,750 £23,750
MIB (Master in International Business) £12,750 £15,750
MSc Strategic Marketing £11,950 £11,950
MSc Finance and Investment £13,450 £13,450
2 Year MSc in Finance £13,750 £16,750
LLM in International Business Law £9,500 £12,500
LLM in International Business Law + MBA £15,250 £19,750
MSc Fashion, Design and Luxury Management £12,750 £15,750
Graduate Certificate in Business £4,500 £4,500
Manchester Campus
For more information about postgraduate programme fees in Manchester, please click here to enquire or call us on +44 (0) 161 713 1777.
Birmingham Campus
For information about our Postgraduate Programmes in Birmingham, please click here to inquire for more information.
TRIUM programmes
Undergraduate Trium Programmes
Bachelor in International Business (BIB) + PQ+ GDP Annual Fees
BA (Hons) Business Administration + PQ + GDP
BA (Hons) Business Administration (Business Decision Making) + PQ + GDP
BA (Hons) Business Administration (Human Resource Management) + PQ + GDP
BA (Hons) Business Administration (Marketing) + PQ + GDP
BA (Hons) Marketing + PQ + GDP
BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing + PQ + GDP
BA (Hons) Business Administration (Finance and Accounting) + PQ + GDP
BA (Hons) Accounting and Financial Studies + PQ + GDP
Postgraduate Programme Home Fees Overseas Fees
Global MBA + PQ + EDP £17,750
2 Year MBA + PQ + EDP £24,250 £27,250
MIB (Master in International Business) + PQ + EDP £16,250 £19,250
MSc Strategic Marketing + PQ + EDP £15,450
MSc Finance and Investment + PQ + EDP £16,950
2 Year MSc in Finance + PQ + EDP £17,250 £20,250
PQ Professional Qualification
GDP Graduate Development Programme
EDP Executive Development Programme
*All undergraduate courses, with the exception of the BIB, offer bursaries and scholarships for October 2011 and February 2012 intakes
Dual Programmes
Dual Programmes Home Fees Overseas Fees
Global MBA + ACCA / CIMA / CFA? / CIM £16,750
MSc Finance and Investment + ACCA / CIMA / CFA? £15,950
MSc Strategic Marketing + CIM £14,450 £14,450
2 Year MBA +ACCA / CIMA / CFA? / CIM £23,250 £26,250
MIB (Master in International Business) + ACCA / CIMA / CFA? / CIM £15,250 £18,250
2 Year MSc in Finance + ACCA / CIMA / CFA? £16,250 £19,250
Undergraduate Programmes
Undergraduate Programmes Fees
Bachelor in International Business (BIB)
Awarded by the Grenoble Graduate School of Business (GGSB) Home Fees
£7,250/Year Overseas Fees
BA (Hons) Business Administration
BA (Hons) Business Administration (Marketing)
BA (Hons) Business Administration (Finance and Accounting)
BA (Hons) Business Administration (Business Decision Making)
BA (Hons) Business Administration (Human Resource Management)
BA (Hons) Accounting and Financial Studies
LLB (Hons) Law
LLB (Hons) Law with Criminology
Awarded by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) Call us on:
+44 (0) 203 005 6202
+44 (0) 207 823 2303
Accelerated Foundation Programme
Home Fees
£6,750/year Overseas Fees
BSc (Hons) Business Management
Awarded by London Metropolitan University£7,500 £9,950
BSc (Hons) Financial Management
Awarded by London Metropolitan University£8,200 £11,450
International Foundation Programme
Home Fees
£6,750/year Overseas Fees
Undergraduate Plus
Home Fees
£4,500/year2024-12-16 -
Q: 请问伦敦商业金融学院申请要准备哪些材料?2024-12-16A:
2024-12-16 -
Q: 伦敦商业金融学院有哪些特色课程?2024-12-16A:
英国伦敦商业金融学院(London School of Business and Finance)是一所规模庞大、享负盛名,并得到英国皇室(肯特郡迈克尔亲王)全力支持的商业管理类院校。学院的研究生/硕士课程是全球少数同时获得世界三大权威商学教育认证(英国工商管理硕士协会(AMBA)、欧洲商学院质量认证体系(EQUIS)、国际商学院联合会(AACSB)的商学院课程。
英国伦敦商业金融学院是英国的权威机构认证的指定学校(Listed Bodies)之一,拥有授予高等学位课程的权利。为了更好的让学生为将来的工作做准备,该校与具有学位颁发权利的合作院校(Recognised Bodies)提供各种各样的国际预科、本科、研究生硕士学位、和各种专业课程的双学位。英国伦敦商业金融学院多年以来的高质量教学,学校与各名牌大学保持紧密的合作关系,并共同开办创新的英法双学位硕士课程。
作为欧洲首屈一指的商学院,伦敦商业金融学院的目标是提供一流、创新并且结合实际的商学课程。与此同时,一向追求卓越的伦敦商业金融学院会尽全力让学生在最短时间内,掌握成为顶尖金融商业人才的技能,更好的为未来做准备。英国伦敦商业金融学院是精英辈出的学院,让您在成功的道路上更加游刃有余。2024-12-16 -
Q: 请问伦敦商业金融学院预科怎么样?2024-08-25A:
――确保学生能够提高其语言水平及学术技能,以便顺利完成其本科课程并获得学位。2024-08-25 -
Q: 请问伦敦商业金融学院学生服务怎么样?2024-08-25A:
作为一所高水平的学校,学校会联合相关的机构为学生提供相关的服务,使他们能够更好的在国外学习、留学、生活。正是因为这样,学校和一个叫做Studies & Careers的教育机构联合,为学生提供各种各样的服务,也帮助他们能够更好的在国外学习、生活。比如说在中国,Studies & Careers会帮助学校对学生的前期入学申请,包括可以测试他的英文能力,包括VISA的签证安排,而且所有都是免费的,因为作为一个非盈利机构,Studies & Careers帮助学生在入学之前所有的服务。
到了英国以后,学校还有后期的服务,包括接机,学生到达了英国以后,接机,帮助他们找寻合适的中介及帮助他们找寻宿舍等等。包括还有一些家庭辅导,帮助一些稍微低年纪的孩子进行这样一个家庭辅导,所有这些服务都是Studies & Careers提供的。2024-08-25 -
Q: 请问伦敦商业金融学院优势有哪些?2024-08-25A:
八、让您在短期内取得最大的收益,给您的职业道路一个清晰明确的方向2024-08-25 -
Q: 请问英国伦敦商业金融学院好不好,能简单的介绍下吗?2024-07-21A:
你好,英国伦敦商业金融学院(London School of Business and Finance)是一所规模庞大、享负盛名,并得到英国皇室(肯特郡迈克尔亲王)全力支持的商业管理类院校。学院的研究生/硕士课程是全球少数同时获得世界三大权威商学教育认证(英国工商管理硕士协会(AMBA)、欧洲商学院质量认证体系(EQUIS)、国际商学院联合会(AACSB)的商学院课程。
学院位于国际金融中心伦敦最繁华的商圈。身在欧洲金融及商业的重要枢纽伦敦,学生不仅可以随时体验商业精英的生活,更可以体验伦敦这个国际化大都市的风采。2024-07-21 -
Q: 伦敦商业金融学院MBA课程怎么样?2024-07-21A: