University of Bristol 布里斯托大学院校信息:
布里斯托大学Economics, Finance and Management学院将从6月中旬开始发CAS,换CAS需要满足如下条件:
1. 提供护照彩色扫描件
2. 已在线接受offer
3. 已支付押金
4. 达到offer无条件
请注意:学生需要在截止日前接受offer。(如offer中的deadline是5月28日,学生则需要在5月27日晚上12点(GMT)前接受offer并支付押金,否则offer将被取消 )
Please also ensure that you accept your offer online and make payment of the International deposit fee before the deadline stated in your offer letter. The application system will not allow you to accept the offer after midnight (GMT) on the day before the deadline (for example, if your deadline is before 28th May, you will need to accept by midnight (GMT) on 27th May).
英国第一事业部 高端资深顾问王雯