1) 外交学 Master of Diplomacy
学制1.5年,学费71631澳元年,2月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福80(听力18、阅读20、写作20、口语18),PTE 64(听力55、阅读55、写作55、口语55)
Contemporary Challenges in Diplomacy: Politics, Economics, Law, and Strategy、Writing International Relations、Transnational Diplomacy、Negotiation and Conflict Resolution、Research Methods in Diplomacy、Case Studies in Diplomacy、Diplomacy, Politics and the United Nations、The United Nations and Peace、Diplomacy in a Globalising World*、International Relations Theory、U.S. Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific、National Security Leadership and Risk Management、National Security Policymaking、Islam in World Politics
2) 亚太研究 Master of Asian and Pacific Studies
学制2年,学费91440澳元年,2月或7月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福80(听力18、阅读20、写作20、口语18),PTE 64(听力55、阅读55、写作55、口语55)
National and Transnational Histories in Asia and the Pacific、Human Rights in Asia and the Pacific、International History from Asia and the Pacific、Language and Power: Speech, Script and Society in Asia、History of the State System in Southeast Asia、Rethinking Northeast Asia: Region, Culture and Society、China: Wealth and Power、Pacific Foundations: From Maritime Societies to Global Cultures、China Now: Ideology, Media and Culture、Environmental Sustainability, Health and Development、Cultural Landscapes and Environmental Change、Archaeology in Asia、Law, Order and Conflict in the Pacific、Asia Pacific Environmental Conflicts: Causes and Solutions、National Security Leadership and Risk Management
3) 中东与中亚研究(高级) Master of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies (Advanced)
学制2年,学费91440澳元年,2月或7月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福80(听力18、阅读20、写作20、口语18),PTE 64(听力55、阅读55、写作55、口语55)
Modern Turkey: History, Culture and Regional Relations、Turkish Politics and Foreign Policy、Oil Religion Politics and Conflict in the Middle East、Central Asia in Regional and Global Perspectives、Special Topic in Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies、Issues of Development in the Middle East、Energy and Security in Central Asia and the Caucasus、Islam, the West and International Terrorism、Dynamics of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict、The Gulf Strategic Environment、Geopolitics of Central Asia、Islam and Democracy、Islam, Faith and Community、Approaches to the Study of Modern Muslim Societies、Special Topic in Modern Islam
1) 和平与冲突研究(1.5年制) Master of Peace and Conflict Studies (1.5 Years)
学制1.5年,学费46464澳元年,2月或7月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福87(听力19、阅读19、写作21、口语19),PTE 64(听力60、阅读60、写作60、口语60)
Conflict Resolution、Peacebuilding、Contested Peace: Critical Concepts in Peace and Conflict Studies、Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies、Mediation、International Crisis Management、Arms Control & Disarmament、Culture, Conflict and Reconciliation、Conflict Analysis and Prevention、Indigenous Politics within and beyond the state、Contemporary Peacekeeping、Philosophies and Practice of Nonviolence、Ethics and Human Rights、Preventing Sexual and Gender Based Violence、Genocide in the Modern World
2) 和平与冲突研究(1年制) Master of Peace and Conflict Studies (1 Year)
学制1年,学费30976澳元年,2月或7月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福87(听力19、阅读19、写作21、口语19),PTE 64(听力60、阅读60、写作60、口语60)
Conflict Resolution、Peacebuilding、Contested Peace: Critical Concepts in Peace and Conflict Studies、Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies、Mediation、International Crisis Management、Arms Control & Disarmament、Culture, Conflict and Reconciliation、Conflict Analysis and Prevention、Indigenous Politics within and beyond the state、Contemporary Peacekeeping、Philosophies and Practice of Nonviolence、Ethics and Human Rights、Preventing Sexual and Gender Based Violence、Genocide in the Modern World
3) 国际关系(2年制) Master of International Relations (2 Years)
学制2年,学费61952澳元年,2月或7月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福87(听力19、阅读19、写作21、口语19),PTE 64(听力60、阅读60、写作60、口语60)
Globalisation, International Political Economy and Development、International Security、Evolution of the International System、Theories in International Relations、Foreign Policy and Diplomacy、Critical Security Studies、Strategic Studies、Security and Development、Arms Control & Disarmament、Laws of War、Law, Terrorism and Human Rights、Ethics and Human Rights、Dynamics of Governance、Politics of International Law、Applied Fieldwork Experience
1) 国际关系 Master of International Relations
学制2年,学费67600澳元年,2月或7月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福82(听力20、阅读18、写作22、口语20),PTE 64(听力54、阅读54、写作59、口语59)
International Security、Global Political Economy、Foundations of International Relations 、Governance in the International System 、The Evolution of International Society、Religion, Global Identities and World Politics、World Politics: Muslims in the West、International Relations of the Asia–Pacific、Peace and Security in Africa、Critical Perspectives in International Development、Responding to International Crises、US Foreign Policy、China and the World、NGOs, Governance and Development、International Collaborative Study Experience
2) 亚洲研究(商业/政治) Master of Asian Studies (Business/Politics)
学制2年,学费67000澳元年,2月或7月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福82(听力20、阅读18、写作22、口语20),PTE 64(听力54、阅读54、写作59、口语59)
Economics for Business: Applications and Policy、Management and Organisations、Marketing Management 、Introductory Financial Accounting、Data Analysis and Decision Making、Working with China: Business in a Socio-legal Context、Intellectual Property and China's Innovation-based Economy、China–Australia Relations: Trade, Finance and Law 、Practical Issues with Chinese Contracts and Commercial Laws 、International Relations of the Asia Pacific、Global Political Economy、Public Policy 、Critical Perspectives in International Development 、NGOs, Governance and Development
3) 国际发展 Master of International Development
学制2年,学费76800澳元年,2月或7月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福82(听力20、阅读18、写作22、口语20),PTE 64(听力54、阅读54、写作59、口语59)
Case Studies in Development Practice、Critical Perspectives in International Development、Environmental Planning and Management 、Population, Migration and Development 、Mining and Regional Development、Analysis for Natural Resource Management、Environmental Planning and Management、Geographic Information Systems Applications、GIS and the Built Environment、Geographic Information Systems Applications、Peace and Security in Africa、NGOs, Governance and Development、Gender in Development: Approaches and Issues 、Conservation, Development and Sustainability