伦敦大学亚非学院(SOAS, University of London)是世界杰出的亚洲和非洲研究中心之一,是欧洲制定相关亚洲与非洲战略重要的智囊机构,是英国唯一一所专门研究亚洲、非洲、近东和中东的高等教育机构。同时,伦敦大学亚非学院是伦敦大学系统里享有世界知名度的杰出高校,是全世界研究东方以及非洲问题拥有学者最多的机构。
伦敦大学亚非学院的《国际关系》硕士课程主要有这样几个专业:与性别相关的发展研究理学硕士(MSc Development Studies with reference to Gender)、发展研究(当代印度途径)理学硕士(MSc Development Studies (Contemporary India Pathway))、非洲研究文学硕士(MA African Studies)、政治冲突、权利与正义理学硕士(MSc Politics of Conflict, Rights & Justice)、东南亚和太平洋亚洲研究文学硕士(MA South East and Pacific Asian Studies)、国际政治学理学硕士(MSc International Politics)、南亚地区研究文学硕士(MA South Asian Area Studies)、政治思想理学硕士(MSc Political Thought)、亚洲政治理学硕士(MSc Politics of Asia)、后殖民研究文学硕士(MA Postcolonial Studies)、暴力、冲突与发展理学硕士(MSc Violence, Conflict & Development)、中东政治理学硕士(MSc Politics of the Middle East)、国际发展研究理学硕士(MSc Research for International Development)、非洲政治理学硕士(MSc Politics of Africa)、移民流动与发展理学硕士(MSc Migration Mobility and Development)、近东和中东研究文学硕士(MA Near and Middle Eastern Studies)、发展研究理学硕士(MSc Development Studies)、韩国研究文学硕士(MA Korean Studies)、国际研究与外交学文学硕士(MA International Studies and Diplomacy)、日本研究文学硕士(MA Japanese Studies)、伊斯兰研究文学硕士(MA Islamic Studies)、伊朗研究文学硕士(MA Iranian Studies)。下边分别给大家介绍一下这几个专业。
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Development Studies、Theory, policy and practice of development、Political Economy of Development、Feminist Political Economy and Global Development、Gender and Development、Agrarian Development, Food Policy and Rural Poverty、Aid and Development、(RID) Battlefields of Method: Approaches to International Development Research、Borders and Development、Cities and Development、Global Commodity Chains, Production Networks and Informal Work、Issues in Forced Migration、Labour, Activism and Global Development、Water and Development: Commodification, Ecology and Globalisation (Development Studies)、Water Justice: Rights, Access and Movements (Development Studies)
学制1年,学费22840英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Development Studies、Theory, policy and practice of development、Political Economy of Development、Contemporary India: development challenges and perspectives、Agrarian Development, Food Policy and Rural Poverty、(RID) Battlefields of Method: Approaches to International Development Research、Borders and Development、Environment, Governance and Development、Global Commodity Chains, Production Networks and Informal Work、Issues in Forced Migration、Labour, Activism and Global Development、War to Peace Transitions、Water and Development: Commodification, Ecology and Globalisation (Development Studies)、Water Justice: Rights, Access and Movements (Development Studies)、Development Practice
学制1年,学费22840英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in African Studies、Modern and Contemporary Arts in Africa、Race, Segregation, and Apartheid in Twentieth-century South Africa (PG)、Historical Perspectives on Gender in Asia, Africa and the Middle East、African Philosophy (PG)、Contemporary African Literature (PG)、Language, Identity and Society in Africa (PG)、The Politics of Africa
学制1年,学费22500英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Political Studies、Conflict、rights and justice、Violence、justice and the politics of memory、International Politics of Human Rights、Foreign Policy Analysis、International migration and diaspora politics、The Politics of Global Security、Comparative International Political Thought、Queer Politics in Asia、Africa and the Middle East、Political violence、The Indian Ocean in World Politics
学制1年,学费21750英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in South East and Pacific Asian Studies、Genders and Sexualities in South East Asian Film、English Literatures of South East Asia、War, Revolution and Independence in South East Asia Literatures in Translation (Masters)、Language, Society and Communication (Masters)、Culture and Society of China、Southeast Asia's Art Histories I、Modern and Contemporary Korean Art、Economic development in the Asia Pacific region、Nationhood and Competing Identities in Modern China、Law and Society in Southeast Asia、Politics of Island Southeast Asia、Political Economies of Northeast Asia: Japan, Korea and Taiwan、Comparing Democracies in North East Asia
学制1年,学费22500英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Political Studies、International theory、Global Advocacy、Political Thought on the Just Rebellion、Political society in the Middle East、Approaches to Comparative Political Thought、Violence、justice and the politics of memory、International Relations: Contemporary World Politics、International Politics of Transitional Justice、The Politics of Global Security、Comparative International Political Thought、International Politics of Human Rights
学制1年,学费21750英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in South Asian Area Studies、Politics of Culture in Contemporary South Asia - A、Contemporary India: development challenges and perspectives、Community, Religion, and Conflict in South Asian History、Historical Perspectives on Gender in Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Colonial curricula: empire and education at SOAS and beyond、Colonialism, Empire and International Law、Literatures of Resistance in South Asia、Comparative Literature: A New Era、Classical Persian Poetry: Texts and Traditions (PG)、Democracy and Authoritarianism in South Asia、International Relations of South Asia、The Origins and Development of Yoga in Ancient India、The Religions of Ancient India、Yoga and Meditation in the Jaina Tradition
学制1年,学费22500英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Approaches to Comparative Political Thought、Comparative International Political Thought、Islamic/Democratic Political Thought、Islam and political ideologies、Political violence、Northeast Asian politics: Japan、Korea and Taiwan、Queer Politics in Asia、Africa and the Middle East、Political Thought on the Just Rebellion、The Indian Ocean in World Politics、Government and politics of modern South Asia、Government and politics in Africa、Government and politics of modern South East Asia、State and society in the Chinese political process、Taiwan's politics and cross-strait relations
学制1年,学费21750英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Political Studies、Government and politics of modern South Asia、Government and politics of modern South East Asia、State and Society in Central Asia and the Caucasus、Northeast Asian politics: Japan、Korea and Taiwan、State and society in the Chinese political process、China and international politics、Taiwan's politics and cross-strait relations、International politics of East Asia、Japan Unravelled、The Indian Ocean in World Politics
学制1年,学费21750英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Cultural, Literary, and Postcolonial Studies、Postcolonial Theory and Practice、Comparative Literature: Methodology and Critique、Contemporary African Literature (PG)、Critical Perspectives on Palestine Studies I: History and Politics、Intersecting Worlds: Race and Gender in the Contemporary Postcolonial Novel、Social and Political Dimensions of Modern Arabic Literature (PG)、War, Revolution and Independence in South East Asia Literatures in Translation (Masters)、Mediated Culture in the Middle East: Politics and Communications、Prejudice, Conspiracy and Misinformation: Understanding Media in a Post-Truth Environment、Historical Perspectives on Gender in Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Community, Religion, and Conflict in South Asian History、African and Asian Diasporas in the Contemporary World: Cultures of Resistance and the Dissolution of Boundaries、Law and Development in Africa、The Politics of Southern Africa: Rule and Resistance after Apartheid
学制1年,学费21980英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Development Studies、Political economy of violence、conflict and development、Political Economy of Development、Theory、policy and practice of development、Anthropology of Development
学制1年,学费21750英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Politics and International Studies、Methodology in the Social Sciences、State and transformation in the Middle East、Political society in the Middle East、State and transformation in the Middle East、International politics of the Middle East、Market Politics: Political Economies of a Globalizing Middle East、Political society in the Middle East、Urban Politics in the Middle East、Gender in the Middle East、Empire and Reform in the Modern Middle East, 1789-1914、Queer Politics in Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Nationalism and Revolution in the Modern Middle East, 1914-1979、Mediated Culture in the Middle East: Politics and Communications、Iran: History, Culture, Politics
学制1年,学费22840英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Approaches to International Development Research、Statistical Research Techniques in International Development、Research Methods in International Development、Agrarian Development、Food Policy and Rural Poverty、Civil society、social movements and the development process、Environment、Governance and Development、Famine and food security、Global Commodity Chains、Production Networks and Informal Work、Global Health and Development、Issues in Forced Migration、Migration and Policy、The Working Poor and Development
学制1年,学费21750英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Politics and International Studies、The Politics of Africa、Methodology in the Social Sciences、The Politics of Central Africa: Social Rupture and Reconfiguration in the Great Lakes Region、Political Life in African Cities、Gender and Security in Africa、Law and Development in Africa、African Philosophy (PG)、Race, Segregation, and Apartheid in Twentieth-century South Africa (PG)、Conflict, rights and justice、Modern and Contemporary Arts in Africa、Queer Politics in Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Historical Perspectives on Gender in Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Colonialism, Empire and International Law
学制1年,学费22840英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Development Studies、Migration and Development、Theory、policy and practice of development、Political Economy of Development、Water Resources: Justice and Governance、Aid and Development 、Approaches to International Development Research、Borders and Development、Civil society、social movements and the development process、Environment、Governance and Development、Famine and food security、Gender and Development、Global Health and Development、Issues in Forced Migration、The Working Poor and Development
学制1年,学费21750英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Near and Middle Eastern Studies、Arab Painting、Islam and the West: Artistic and Cultural Contacts、Political Economy of Development and Change in the Middle East、Gender in the Middle East、Queer Politics in Asia, Africa and the Middle East、Critical Perspectives on Palestine Studies I: History and Politics、Jerusalem: City in Conflict (PG)、Outsiders in Medieval Middle Eastern Societies: Minorities, Social Outcasts and Foreigners、Nationalism and Revolution in the Modern Middle East, 1914-1979、Islamic Law (MA/LLM)、Law and Society in The Middle East and North Africa、Mediated Culture in the Middle East: Politics and Communications、Transnational Communities and Diasporic Media:Networking, Connectivity, Identity、Political society in the Middle East
学制1年,学费22500英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Development Studies、Theory、policy and practice of development、Political Economy of Development、Agrarian Development、Food Policy and Rural Poverty、Aid and Development 、Approaches to International Development Research、Borders and Development、Civil society、social movements and the development process、Development Practice、Environment、Governance and Development、Famine and food security、Gender and Development、Global Health and Development、Issues in Forced Migration、The Working Poor and Development
学制1年,学费21750英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Korean Studies、Connections and Intersections: Core Aspects of East Asian Studies、Trajectories of Modernity in Korean Literature and Film (PG)、The Making of Modern Korea、Korean-English Translation (PG)、Myths, Legends and Folkways of East Asia (PG)、Literature, Politics and National Identity in Modern China (PG)、Writing from the Margins: Voices of change in Modern Japanese Literature (PG)、K200: Intermediate Korean (PG)、Political Economies of Northeast Asia: Japan, Korea and Taiwan、Modern and Contemporary Korean Art、Pop and Politics in East Asia (Masters)
学制1年,学费22500英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:International Politics of Transitional Justice、International Relations: Foundations of World Politics、Foundations of International Law、International Economics、International Security、History and Future of the United Nations、Global Advocacy、Energy Policy in the Asia-Pacific、China and international politics、Comparative politics of the Middle East、Economic problems and policies in modern China、Government and politics in Africa、Government and politics of modern South Asia、International politics of East Asia、Taiwan's politics and cross-strait relations
学制1年,学费22810英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福105(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 70(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Japanese Studies、Connections and Intersections: Core Aspects of East Asian Studies、Japanese-English Translation (PG)、Modernity, Nation and Identity in Japanese History (1853-1945) (PG)、Contemporary Japanese Society (PG)、Myths, Legends and Folkways of East Asia (PG)、Gender in East Asian Literature (PG)、New Taiwan Cinema and Beyond (PG)、Contemporary Chinese Society (PG)、Culture and Society of Japan、Political Economies of Northeast Asia: Japan, Korea and Taiwan、Religious Practice in Japan: Texts, Rituals and Believers
学制1年,学费22500英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in the Languages and Cultures of the Near and Middle East、Qur'an and Hadith Studies Part A、The Qur'an:Language,Style and Translation in English Part A、Islamic Legal Texts in Arabic Part A、Islamic Texts: Language and the Synthesis of Classical Scholarship Part A、Translation of Islamic Texts (a project)、Modern Trends in Islam、Islamic Law (MA/LLM)、Reading Classical Arabic Historians: Themes and Trends in Islamic Historiography
学制1年,学费22500英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)
这个专业的课程设置主要有:Dissertation in Iranian Studies、Iran: History, Culture, Politics、Zoroastrianism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives、Classical Persian Poetry: Texts and Traditions (PG)、Middle Persian、Artificial Intelligence and Human Security、Modern Trends in Islam、Gender in the Middle East、International politics of the Middle East
学制1年,学费22500英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福100(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 65(听力65、阅读65、写作65、口语65)