艺术留学申请美国院校,我们有盘点过《本科留学美国一年多少钱?》 高昂的花费让很多申请人把目光放在了奖学金上。但是针对国际生,美国奖学金政策因院校不同,各有差异。
Cornell is still need blind for U.S. citizen and permanent resident applicants. Knuth said the change in policy will bring Cornell in line with peer institutions in the Ivy League that are also need aware for international applicants, including Brown and Columbia Universities, Dartmouth College, and the University of Pennsylvania. (Dartmouth announced a change from need-blind to need-aware admissions for international students last fall.) The wealthiest three Ivies -- Harvard, Princeton and Yale Universities-- are need blind and committed to meeting full demonstrated need for all international students.
Under the need-aware policy, the financial need of international applicants will be taken into account “as one of many factors,” including academic achievement and community context, according to the admissions office.
艺术留学中,巴德学院Bard College采用need-blind政策,提供较多的助学金不过不保证对录取学生100%满足经济需求。

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