1.MSc Accounting and Finance
“A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in a related subject such as accounting, finance, economics or mathematics. A background in accounting is essential and you’ll need to have a good grounding in quantitative subjects.”,申请要求相关专业背景,比如会计、金融、经济或者数学,并且学校强调会计背景是非常重要的,而且要求学生本科课程计量相关科目必须高分。
2.MSc Finance and Investment
“A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in a related subject such as accounting, finance, economics or mathematics. You should have a strong grounding in quantitative subjects with high scores in these subjects.”和上一个专业一样,要求学生有会计、金融、经济或者数学背景,而且对计量类课程分数也有要求。
3.MSc Banking and International Finance
“A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in a related subject, such as accounting, finance or mathematics, and normally a background in economics.”要求本科为会计、金融或者数学相关专业背景,一般情况下经济背景也是有要求的。
4.MSc Financial Risk Management
“A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in a relevant subject such as accounting, finance, economics, mathematics, physics, or engineering. You should have a strong grounding in quantitative subjects with high scores in these subjects.”,要求会计、金融、经济、数学、物理、工程等相关专业本科专业,而且也要求计量类课程分数。
5.MSc Actuarial Finance
“A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in a related subject such as mathematics, statistics, economics or finance. You must have a strong grounding in quantitative subjects with high scores in quantitative modules.”,要求申请人为数学、统计学、经济学、金融学等相关专业背景,而且也要求计量类课程分数。
6.MSc Financial Mathematics
“A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in a related subject such as finance, economics, mathematics, physics, computing or engineering.”要求金融、经济、数学、物理、计算机、工程等相关专业背景。