本期的《出师有名》,为大家介绍一位毕业于加利福尼亚大学的黄老师,她思路明确,逻辑清晰,擅长教授AP微积分、经济学等学科,擅长从同学们的角度出发,换位思考,教学精益求精,话不多说,快来了解一下吧! 名师简介 UCLA数学专业学士学位,加拿大渥太华大学经济学硕士学位。擅长教授AP微积分,经济学,统计学和计算机学,托福口
考倒林丹的羽毛球难题 - 孙群超 IGCSE
我跟你说!做不成林丹,我们也可以 作为一名羽毛球的发烧友,打的好不好还在其次,首先装备要买最好的,毕竟装个也是好的特别是羽毛球拍!是神兵利器还是废铜烂铁,这当中学问大着呢。当然为了避免被说是软广告,我就不说品牌名了(港真,没收品牌广告费我干嘛打广告啊),不过呢,主要的一些参数就是材质,重量,拍面宽度,拍
AP环境科学知识点详解之一光化学烟雾的成因及治理策略 让我们先来看一篇卫报上的新闻:Pollution watch: let's rate exhaust fumes as also a lethal road risk (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/jun/21/pollutionwatch-lets-rate-exhaust-fumes-as-also-a-lethal-road-risk) 。在这篇新闻中,记者引用了来自瑞典的多名科学家的实验数据,证实了汽车尾气(traffic exhaust)导致的死
AP历史常识:Elbridge Gerry IGCSE
Elbridge Gerry was an American statesman and diplomat. As a Democratic-Republican he was selected as the fifth Vice President of the United States, serving under James Madison, from March 4, 1813, until his death a year and a half later. Gerry was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation. He was one of three men who refused to sign the Constitution because it did not then include a Bill of Rights
AP历史学习:Gerrymandering IGCSE
Gerrymandering is a form of boundary delimitation (redistricting) in which electoral district or constituency boundaries are deliberately modified for electoral purposes, thereby producing a contorted or unusual shape. The resulting district is known as a gerrymander; however, that word can also refer to the process. (三立在线AP课程包括:AP生物、AP美国历史、AP计算机、AP心理学、AP欧洲史、AP化学、AP英美文学、
The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (or Resolves) were political statements drafted in 1798 and 1799, in which the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures resolved to not abide by Alien and Sedition Acts. They argued that the Acts were unconstitutional and therefore void, and in doing so, they argued for statesaposapos rights and strict constructionism of the Constitution. They were written secretly by Vice President Thomas Jefferson and James M
The Battle of Fallen Timbers (August 20, 1794) was the final battle of the Northwest Indian War, a struggle between American Indian tribes affiliated with the Western Confederacy and the United States for control of the Northwest Territory (an area bounded on the south by the Ohio River, on the west by the Mississippi River, and on the northeast by the Great Lakes). The battle, which was a decisive victory for the United States, ended major h
AP成绩可以折抵大学学分 增加申请竞争力 IGCSE
目前,在留美利好不断的刺激下,高中生仅提供托福和SAT成绩就想获得美国顶尖名校的录取往往还不够,如何使自己脱颖而出吸引顶尖名校的目光就成了关键。近日,记者走访了解到,以专业特长和综合素质并重的AP(美国大学先修课程)考试越来越成为留美高中生关注的焦点。 减免大学学分 据了解,AP课程及考试是由美国大学理事会主办
AP music theory考试备考经验 IGCSE
AP music theory 备考经验 一直想贡献点什么,但是我考过的科目基本上都有经验贴了,而我又不是属于特别有学习方法的人。AP 音乐好像很少有人考,所以我发个帖子介绍一下我的经验阿~ 先说一下我们为什么要考AP music theory吧。考试并不是很难,不需要太长的准备时间而且能够让我们的AP/SATII 选课更加diversify。 我介绍一下AP music theory。考试
AP Computer Science计算机 IGCSE
The Advanced Placement Program offers two computer science courses: ComputerScience A and Computer Science AB.* The content of Computer Science A is a subsetof the content of Computer Science AB. Computer Science A emphasizes objectorientedprogramming methodology with a concentration on problem solving andalgorithm development and is meant to be the equivalent of a first-semester collegelevelcourse in Computer Science. It also includes the st