A-Level物理 | 课程简介 A-LEVEL
A-Level物理是大部分学习理工科学生的必选科目,也是部分商科学生的备选科目。此外物理基本上也会是这部分学生进入大学之后的公共课或者必修课,A-Level阶段的学习可以帮助学生及早掌握大量的专业单词,从而降低进入大学后学习的难度,可以为大学阶段的学习打下良好语言和专业知识基础。 A-Level物理的评分标准 物理考试如其它考试一
CIE 物理AS part: 章节主要内容计划课时 Topic1: Kinematics describing motionspeed, distance and displacement, scalar and vector, speed and velocity, displacement- time graphs, combining displacements, combing velocities.1h Topic 2: Accelerated motionacceleration, uniform acceleration and deceleration motion, equations of motion, free fall motion, projectiles.1h Topic 3: Dynamics explaining motionSI unit, newtons first, second and third
OCR考试局数学学习计划 A-LEVEL
OCR 数学 C1 part: 章节主要内容计划课时 Chapter 1Indices and surds.2h Chapter 2Polynomials.2h Chapter 3Coordinate geometry and graphs.2h Chapter 4Differentiation.2h past paper真题讲解如果是即将参加考试,讲解past paper时间约分配为6hour6h 课时合计学生科根据具体章节选择上课内容14h OCR 数学C2 part: 章节主要内容计划课时 Chapter 1Trigonometry.2h Chapter 2Sequences and series2h Chapter 3Alg
CIE 数学P1 part: 章节主要内容计划课时 Chapter1Coordinates, points and lines.1h Chapter2Surds and indices.1h Chapter3Functions and graphs.1h Chapter4Quadratics .1h Chapter5Inequalities .1h Chapter6Differentiation .1h Chapter7Applications of differentiation.1h Chapter8Sequences.1h Chapter9The binomial theorem.1h Chapter10Trigonometry.1h Chapter11Combining and inverting functions.1h Chapter12Extending differentiation.1h Chapter13Vectors.
数理化学科必考英文词汇汇总(数学篇) A-LEVEL
assume that假设approximation近似,近似值absolute value绝对值acute锐(角)adjacent angle邻角alternate angles内错角angle角area面积arithmetic sequence等差数列assumption假设asymptote渐近线at random随机地average平均的axis轴base底面,底数be inscribed in内接于binomial二项式circle圆circumference周长clockwise顺时针的common difference(等差数列的)公差common divisor公约数common ratio(等比数列
A-Level数学-直方图Histograms A-LEVEL
Revision: Histograms Histograms are similar to bar charts apart from the consideration of areas. In a bar chart, all of the bars are the same width and the only thing that matters is the height of the bar. In a histogram, the area is the important thing. Example Draw a histogram for the following information. (Ignore relative frequency for now). It is difficult to draw a bar chart for this information, because the class divisions for the height a
Revision: Graphs and Networks Definitions In a complete graph every node is connected by an arc to each of the other nodes. There are 1/2*n (n-1) arcs in a complete graph with n nodes. In a connected graph there are no isolated nodes. A trail is a sequence of arcs such that the end node of one arc is the start node of the next. A closed trail (or cycle) is a route through the nodes which starts and finishes in the same place. No arc is used more
如何选A-Level、IB、AP孩子更具竞争力? A-LEVEL
IB,A-level, SAT,AP,IGCSE,BC,美国本土课程,澳大利亚课程这些五花八门的国际课程您都听说过嘛?也许这些课程您都听说过,但是它们的课程设置如何?难度如何?大学认可度如何?每种课程适合什么样的孩子学习呢?你都清楚嘛?目前中国三大主流国际课程为 IB课程,A-level课程,AP课程 ,接下来我们会为您详细介绍这些您最关心的问题
选择A-Level、IB、美高课程时家长最爱问的6个问题 A-LEVEL
对于计划未来3-5年内把孩子送出国的家长,在初、高中阶段为孩子做好衔接过渡,选择最好的国际课程是他们的心愿和目标。目前国际上主流的课程有A-Level、IB、美高、BC几种,对于从未接触过国际课程的家长来说,有诸多选择上的疑问和难题。以下是四老师总结的家长最爱问的六个问题。 01 问:如果目标是去英国、澳大利亚、香港等英联邦
除了A-Level成绩,申请英国名校还要参加哪些考试? A-LEVEL
A-Level课程是英国高中课程,好的A-Level成绩更是英国大学的通行证,但是只有A-Level成绩,并不意味着就能被成功录取,很多学校的不少专业都需要学生参加附加考试,特别是英国G5。有些学校明确规定,附加考试成绩合格之后才能进入面试环节或作为下发预录取的依据。 常见的附加考试 TSA TSA 即Thinking Skills Assessment,核心考察的就是学生的逻