spend是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 花费; 消耗, 用尽; 度过, 消磨,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Glenarvan could not refuse the request of his amiable hosts, to spend the whole day at the station.
-- These men generally have about a hundred pounds a year to live on, and they spend their whole time and talents in the amassing of this style of knowledge, which they reduce or raise to the standard of a science.
-- Make up your mind to spend the evening with me.... We are just there that's the house... Why, Co-lia!you here!Well, is Marfa Borisovna at home or have you only just come?'
-- The Epanchin family had at last made up their minds to spend the summer abroad, all except the general, who could not waste time in 'travelling for enjoyment,' of course.
-- Stay here, and let us spend the evening together.
-- I may be mistaken; I hardly know what I am say-ing; but surely no one but you would have stayed to please a whippersnapper (yes, a whippersnapper; I admit it) to spend the evening and take part in everything only to be ashamed of it tomorrow.
-- Unless I would spend the night among the unknown dan-gers of the mysterious forest, I must hasten back to the enclosure.
-- I have withdrawn myself from the confu-sion of cities and multitudes, and spend my days surrounded by wise books, bright windows in this life of ours, lit by the shining souls of men.
-- My days I devote to reading and to experi-ments in chemistry, and I spend many of the clear nights in the study of astronomy.
-- Sea Catch knew that, and every spring would swim from whatever place he happened to be in would swim like a torpedo-boat straight for Novastoshnah and spend a month fighting with his companions for a good place on the rocks, as close to the sea as possible.
-- See, little one, here are four annas to spend in sweetmeats because thou hast a little head under that great thatch of hair.
-- Chapter XXIVShortly before Christmas Dirk Stroeve came to ask me to spend the holiday with him.
-- They may spend their whole lives aliens among their kindred and remain aloof among the only scenes they have ever known.
-- After expressions of surprise on either side, hearing that I meant to spend the night in Alexandria, he asked me to dine with him at the English Club.
-- We arranged to spend an evening together for old time's sake, and when I agreed to dine with him, he proposed that he should ask nobody else, so that we could chat without interruption.
-- I had not intended to stay more than an hour, but he insisted that I should spend the night.
-- That you become the sole inheritor of the wealth of this rich old hunks, that you and I spend it together, and that you get into the bargain a beautiful young wife.'
-- The child then explained that they had left the races on the first day, and were travelling to the next town on that road, where they purposed to spend the night.
-- 'He said two days and nights we should have to spend among such scenes as these.
-- In the end, the happy couple jolted away in the caravan to spend their honeymoon in a country excursion; and the single gentleman and Kit's mother stood ruefully before their carriage-door.
-- To this end, he lighted up fresh candles and heaped more fuel on the fire; and having dined off a beefsteak, which he cooked himself in somewhat of a savage and cannibal-like manner, brewed a great bowl of hot punch, lighted his pipe, and sat down to spend the evening.
-- Poor Pinocchio!The rest of the night he had to spend with one foot through the door and the other one in the air.
-- "But how does one spend the day in the Land of Toys?"
-- Fate has decreed that all lazy boys who come to hate books and schools and teachers and spend all their days with toys and games must sooner or later turn into donkeys."