
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:17


announce是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为v. 正式宣布; 发表; 通告; 广播(电台节目),这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- At last, however, on the repeated positive assurance that he really was Prince Muishkin, and must absolutely see the general on business, the bewildered domestic showed him into a little ante-chamber leading to a waiting-room that adjoined the general's study, there handing him over to another ser-vant, whose duty it was to be in this ante-chamber all the morning, and announce visitors to the general.

-- 'I do not ask you what your business may be, all I have to do is to announce you; and unless the secretary comes in here I cannot do that.'

-- 'Now how on earth am I to announce a man like that?'

-- All you have to do is to announce me as Prince Muishkin, and the object of my visit will be plain enough.

-- In either case, how was he to announce this singular visitor?



-- Still ignorant of the fate of those who had trusted to the aid of the swift current, he at first listened intently to any signal or sounds of alarm, which might announce the good or evil fortune of their hazardous undertaking.

-- passed from mouth to mouth, until the whole band appeared to be col-lected around a trophy which would seem to announce the death of its formidable owner.

-- In these brief pauses, Hey-ward and the sisters listened, with senses rendered doubly acute by the danger, to detect any symptoms which might announce the proximity of their foes.

-- A very few minutes only were necessary to parade a few files, and to dispatch an orderly with a flag to announce the approach of the commandant of the fort.

-- The star-tling sounds that Duncan had heard were what the whites have not inappropriately called the 'death-hallo"; and each repetition of the cry was intended to announce to the tribe the fate of an enemy.



-- Mr Chuckster being roused, would probably have pursued this subject further, and in more emphatic language, but for a tap at the door, which seeming to announce the arrival of somebody on business, caused him to assume a greater appearance of meekness than was perhaps quite consistent with his late declaration.



-- The messenger would not admit him, declaring that the prosecutor was busy, but Nekhludoff brushed past him and asked an officer who met him to announce him to the prosecutor, saying that he was on important business.

-- The lawyer's clerk, who was sitting in this room at a high desk, recognizing Nekhludoff, greeted him and said that he would announce him.



-- Some are known to you, such as the thermometer, which gives the internal temperature of the Nautilus; the barometer, which indicates the weight of the air and foretells the changes of the weather; the hygrometer, which marks the dryness of the atmosphere; the storm-glass, the contents of which, by decomposing, announce the approach of tempests; the compass, which guides my course; the sextant, which shows the latitude by the altitude of the sun; chronometers, by which I calculate the longitude; and glasses for day and night, which I use to examine the points of the horizon, when the Nautilus rises to the surface of the waves."



-- On the before named occasion he came into the house to announce his intention of doing nothing, while I was assisting Miss Cathy to arrange her dress: she had not reckoned on his taking it into his head to be idle; and imagining she would have the whole place to herself, she managed, by some means, to inform Mr. Edgar of her brother's absence, and was then preparing to receive him.




