nearly是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为ad. 差不多, 几乎,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- 'My time is nearly gone.'
-- nearly closed, with- perhaps two shutters down, or one; but through those gaps 56 Sons and Loverssuch glimpses.
-- And now two smaller Cratchits, boy and girl, came tearing in, screaming that outside the baker's they had smelt the goose, and known it for their own; and bask-ing in luxurious thoughts of sage and onion, these young Cratchits danced about the table, and exalted Master Pe-ter Cratchit to the skies, while he (not proud, although his collars nearly choked him) blew the fire, until the slow po-tatoes bubbling up, knocked loudly at the saucepan-lid to be let out and peeled.
-- Sitting in among the wares he dealt in, by a charcoal stove, made of old bricks, was a grey-haired rascal, nearly seventy years of age; who had screened himself from the cold air without, by a frousy curtaining of miscellaneous tatters, hung upon a line; and smoked his pipe in all the luxury of calm retirement.
-- They had a sinister expression, under an old cocked-hat like a three-cornered spittoon, and over a great muffler for the chin and throat, which descended nearly to the wearer's knees.
-- Mr. Lorry sat at a table, among the gentle-men in wigs: not far from a wigged gentleman, the prisoner's counsel, who had a great bundle of papers before him: and nearly opposite another wigged gentleman with his hands in his pockets, whose whole attention, when Mr. Cruncher looked at him then or afterwards, seemed to be concentrat-ed on the ceiling of the court.
-- He had no opportunity of saying, or so much as think-ing, anything else, until he was clear of the Old Bailey; for, the crowd came pouring out with a vehemence that nearly took him off his legs, and a loud buzz swept into the street as if the baffled blue-flies were dispersing in search of other carrion.
-- The lights were nearly all extinguished in the passages, the iron gates were be-ing closed with a jar and a rattle, and the dismal place was deserted until to-morrow morning's interest of gallows, pil-lory, whipping-post, and branding-iron, should repeople it.
-- 'You speak so feelingly and so manfully, Charles Dar-nay, that I thank you with all my heart, and will open all my heart or nearly so.
-- So off he went in the direction of East Street, and had nearly got to the end of it when the moon shone forth.
-- The house was filled to suf-focation; and among other pieces to be recited was a new poem by H. C. Andersen, called, My Aunt's Spectacles; the contents of which were pretty nearly as follows: 'A certain person had an aunt, who boasted of particular 42 Andersen's Fairy Talesskill in fortune-telling with cards, and who was constant-ly being stormed by persons that wanted to have a peep into futurity.
-- On the walls were displayed innumerable inscriptions, written in nearly every language of Europe, some in verse, some in prose, most of them not very laudatory of 'bella Italia.'
-- They now thought of placing the boxes across the gutter, so that they nearly reached from one window to the other, and looked just like two walls of flowers.
-- cried the little girl; and she nearly squeezed the Raven to death, so much did she kiss him.
-- As the boy read, he kept twisting and trying to tear off a button that was nearly off his jacket.
-- It was only after driving nearly five miles that he had sufficiently recovered himself to look at his watch, and realize that it was half-past five, and he was late.
-- It was nearly forty miles from Levin's Pokrovskoe.
-- The fact that the children had not been at the sacrament for nearly a year worried her extremely, and with the full approval and sympathy of Marya Philimonovna she decided that this should take place now in the summer.
-- The dress was set right, but there was nearly a quarrel with the English governess.
-- Passepartout nearly dropped the bag, as if the twenty thousand pounds were in gold, and weighed him down.
-- An involuntary motion of surprise nearly escaped him, for the description in the passport was identical with that of the bank robber which he had received from Scotland Yard.
-- The general route of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway is as follows: Leaving Bombay, it passes through Salcette, crossing to the continent opposite Tannah, goes over the chain of the Western Ghauts, runs thence north-east as far as Burhampoor, skirts the nearly independent territory of Bundelcund, ascends to Allahabad, turns thence eastwardly, meeting the Ganges at Benares, then departs from the river a little, and, descending south-eastward by Burdivan and the French town of Chandernagor, has its terminus at Calcutta.
-- They had gone nearly twenty-five miles that day, and an equal distance still separated them from the station of Allahabad.
-- Owing to the defective construction of the Rangoon, however, unusual precautions became necessary in unfavourable weather; but the loss of time which resulted from this cause, while it nearly drove Passepartout out of his senses, did not seem to affect his master in the least.