bang是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. /v. 猛击, 猛敲, 砰然作声,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- We heard the steps of our visitors descend the stair and the bang of the front door.
-- At this moment there was a terrific bang at the front door, almost enough to break it down.
-- "Now bang it, Leora, here when I DO have the first chance in eleven thousand years to think about you, and I come right out frankly and admit how slack I've been-- And planning to send you flowers--" "You look here, Sandy Arrowsmith!Quit bullying me!You want the luxury of harrowing yourself by thinking what a poor, bawling, wretched, story-book wife I am.
-- With that she stalked out, and made the door bang after her.
-- Up went the steps, bang went the door, round whirled the wheels, and off they rattled, with Kit's mother hanging out at one window waving a damp pocket-handkerchief and screaming out a great many messages to little Jacob and the baby, of which nobody heard a word.
-- and at the same moment bang again went the cannon in the background, followed by a hideous clang of music from a drum, tambourine, clarionet, serpent, hautboy, tenor-viol, and double-bass the only remaining relics of the true and original Weatherbury band venerable worm-eaten instruments, which had celebrated in their own persons the victories of Marlborough, under the fingers of the forefathers of those who played them now.
-- He took it, and went out, and presently the Stinger went off with a Bang that shook the crazy little box of a cottage as if it must fall to pieces, and made every glass and teacup in it ring.
-- There was Mr Tite Barnacle, from the Circumlocution Office, and Mews Street, Grosvenor Square, with the expensive Mrs Tite Barnacle nee Stiltstalking, who made the Quarter Days so long in coming, and the three expensive Miss Tite Barnacles, double-loaded with accomplishments and ready to go off, and yet not going off with the sharpness of flash and bang that might have been expected, but rather hanging fire.
-- Another bang of the street door sent the basket under the sofa, and the girls to the table, eager for breakfast.
-- Another chant from Hagar produced another apparition, not a lovely one, for with a bang an ugly black imp appeared and, having croaked a reply, tossed a dark bottle at Hugo and disappeared with a mocking laugh.
-- As knocking was of no use, Pinocchio, in despair, began to kick and bang against the door, as if he wanted to break it.