eat是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为vt. 吃, 喝vi. 吃饭, 吃东西,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Not to eat Flesh or Fish; that is the Law.
-- 'Faugh!Are there not enough beetles and frogs in the tanks that he must eat Man, and on our ground too!'
-- The Law of the Jungle, which never orders anything with-out a reason, forbids every beast to eat Man except when he is killing to show his children how to kill, and then he must hunt outside the hunting grounds of his pack or tribe.
-- He shall live to run with the Pack and to hunt with the Pack; and in the end, look you, hunter of little naked cubs frog-eater fish-killer he shall hunt thee!Now get hence, or by the Sambhur that I killed (I eat no starved cattle), back thou goest to thy mother, burned beast of the jungle, lamer than ever thou camest into the world!Go!'
-- When he felt dirty or hot he swam in the forest pools; and when he wanted honey (Baloo told him that honey and nuts were just as pleasant to eat as raw meat) he climbed up for it, and that Bagheera showed him how to do.
-- 'All the jungle is thine,' said Bagheera, 'and thou canst kill everything that thou art strong enough to kill; but for the sake of the bull that bought thee thou must never kill or eat any cattle young or old.
-- Hawkeye, let us eat to-night, and show the Maquas that we are men to-morrow.'
-- This is not such a supper as a major of the Royal Americans has a right to expect, but I've known stout de-tachments of the corps glad to eat their venison raw, and without a relish, too*.
-- 'The wise Huron is welcome,' said the Delaware, in the language of the Maquas; 'he is come to eat his 'succotash'*, with his brothers of the lakes.'
-- I proposed that we should all go and eat ices in the park.
-- "Do you mean to say you've had nothing to eat or drink for two days?
-- If you've made a fool of yourself you must eat humble pie.
-- She was at pains to get him the things to eat that he liked, and would not see that he was indifferent to food.
-- After a moment's hesitation, Strickland scrambled to his feet, and together they went to the Bouchee de Pain, where the hungry are given a wedge of bread, which they must eat there and then, for it is forbidden to take it away; and then to the Cuillere de Soupe, where for a week, at eleven and four, you may get a bowl of thin, salt soup.
-- "Then let us eat some lithodomes."
-- "Neb," said Herbert, running to him, "we will find him!God will give him back to us!But in the meantime you are hungry, and you must eat something."
-- "I should prefer a moor-cock or guinea-fowl," replied Pencroft, "still, if they are good to eat " "They are good to eat, and also their flesh is very delicate," replied Herbert.
-- "The oyster contains very little nitrogen, and if a man lived exclusively on them, he would have to eat not less than fifteen to sixteen dozen a day."
-- "And you too, Mr. Spilett, you will eat some!"
-- Having dealt out these admonitions, the ladies fell to a more powerful assault than they had yet made upon the mixed tea, new bread, fresh butter, shrimps, and watercresses, and said that their vexation was so great to see her going on like that, that they could hardly bring themselves to eat a single morsel.
-- With this demand, however, the eating-house (having experience of its customer) declined to comply, churlishly sending back for answer that if Mr Swiveller stood in need of beef perhaps he would be so obliging as to come there and eat it, bringing with him, as grace before meat, the amount of a certain small account which had long been outstanding.
-- 'Your son knows me; I don't eat babies; I don't like 'em.
-- When the old gentleman had said all he had to say in the way of promise and advice, and Kit had said all he had to say in the way of assurance and thankfulness, he was handed over again to the old lady, who, summoning the little servant-girl (whose name was Barbara) instructed her to take him down stairs and give him something to eat and drink, after his walk.
-- And in this kitchen, Kit sat himself down at a table as white as a tablecloth, to eat cold meat, and drink small ale, and use his knife and fork the more awkwardly, because there was an unknown Barbara looking on and observing him.