eternal是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 永久的, 不朽的; 不停的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- Cloud-capped mountains appeared, their heads white with eternal snows, and their feet hid in immense forests.
-- Presently ruins came in sight, crumbling buildings, which the night invested with grandeur, the sad remains of a deserted settlement, whose name will be an eternal protest against these fertile shores and forests full of game.
-- The nearest land on the north was the Archipelago of Pomotou, under the protectorate of France; on the south there was nothing but the eternal ice-belt of the Polar Sea.
-- According to the lines she quoted: 'From his face he never lifted That eternal mask of steel.''
-- What is the meaning of their eternal care and worry?
-- The im-portant thing is life life and nothing else!What is any 'discovery' whatever compared with the incessant, eternal discovery of life?
-- And yet it seemed to me, at certain moments, that I beheld in some strange and impossible form, that dark, dumb, ir-resistibly powerful, eternal force.
-- 'Religion! I admit eternal life and perhaps I always did admit it.
-- There it must be, I think, in the vast and eternal laws of matter, and not in the daily cares and sins and troubles of men, that whatever is more than animal within us must find its solace and its hope.
-- Then, suddenly lifting up his voice, amid the eternal din of the waters, he sang aloud: 'First born of Egypt, smite did he, Of mankind, and of beast also: O, Egypt!wonders sent 'midst thee, On Pharaoh and his servants too!'
-- At such moments, it seemed as if a vast range of country lay buried in eternal sleep; not the least sound arising from the forest, unless it was the distant and scarcely audible rippling of a water-course.
-- Should I fall, therefore, seek no victims to my manes, but rather forgive my destroyers; and if you remem-ber them at all, let it be in prayers for the enlightening of their minds, and for their eternal welfare.'
-- It was not only the bold simplification of the drawing which showed so rich and so singular a personality; it was not only the painting, though the flesh was painted with a passionate sensuality which had in it something miraculous; it was not only the solidity, so that you felt extraordinarily the weight of the body; there was also a spirituality, troubling and new, which led the imagination along unsuspected ways, and suggested dim empty spaces, lit only by the eternal stars, where the soul, all naked, adventured fearful to the discovery of new mysteries.
-- I see you as the eternal pilgrim to some shrine that perhaps does not exist.
-- But forgetting his purpose or changing his mind before he came close to him, he seized his hand and vowed eternal friendship, declaring with an agreeable frankness that from that time forth they were brothers in everything but personal appearance.
-- She raised her eyes to the bright stars, looking down so mildly from the wide worlds of air, and, gazing on them, found new stars burst upon her view, and more beyond, and more beyond again, until the whole great expanse sparkled with shining spheres, rising higher and higher in immeasurable space, eternal in their numbers as in their changeless and incorruptible existence.
-- 'I cannot bear these close eternal streets.
-- The single gentleman started back, and gazed upon the face of the late Mrs Jarley (that morning wedded to the philosophic George, to the eternal wrath and despair of Mr Slum the poet), with looks of conflicting apprehension, disappointment, and incredulity.
-- CHAPTER 64Tossing to and fro upon his hot, uneasy bed; tormented by a fierce thirst which nothing could appease; unable to find, in any change of posture, a moment's peace or ease; and rambling, ever, through deserts of thought where there was no resting-place, no sight or sound suggestive of refreshment or repose, nothing but a dull eternal weariness, with no change but the restless shiftings of his miserable body, and the weary wandering of his mind, constant still to one ever-present anxiety to a sense of something left undone, of some fearful obstacle to be surmounted, of some carking care that would not be driven away, and which haunted the distempered brain, now in this form, now in that, always shadowy and dim, but recognisable for the same phantom in every shape it took: darkening every vision like an evil conscience, and making slumber horrible in these slow tortures of his dread disease, the unfortunate Richard lay wasting and consuming inch by inch, until, at last, when he seemed to fight and struggle to rise up, and to be held down by devils, he sank into a deep sleep, and dreamed no more.
-- We are much satisfied with our late mistress--may she enjoy eternal life!--and we are grateful to the young Prince for thinking of us," began a red-haired peasant with a gift of gab.
-- Attired in a dress-coat, he arrived in the theatre where the eternal "Dame aux Camelias" was being played.
-- "Those eternal discussions!"
-- Only a slight oily swell rose and fell like a gentle breathing, and showed that the eternal sea was still moving and living.
-- There were fringes of ice along the sea margin, with drifting masses farther out; but the main expanse of that salt ocean, all bloody under the eternal sunset, was still unfrozen.