acid是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为a. 酸的, 尖刻的 n. 酸,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- He abused the poor mosquitoes desperately, and deplored the lack of some acid lotion which would have eased the pain of their stings.
-- At last only the dead tips of the fingernails remained, pallid and white, and the brown stain of some acid upon my fingers.
-- Manson on Tropical Diseases mentions Sondelius's admirable method of killing rats with hydrocyanic acid gas, and The Sketch once mentioned his atrocious system in baccarat.
-- I am yoost as glad I have you people behind me, because I am broke--I went and bought some oil stock that don't look so good now--and I shall need a lot of hydrocyanic acid gas.
-- He marched his policemen, stout black fellows trained in the Great War, to the warehouse, set them on guard, and pumped in hydrocyanic acid gas.
-- There was a bottle of oxalic acid on the table."
-- He saw her roll down her sleeves and remove her apron the apron hung on a peg behind the door and take the bottle of oxalic acid and go with it into the bedroom.
-- They there saw a sulphur spring which flowed abundantly between the rocks, and its waters discharged a strong sulphuric acid odor, after having absorbed the oxygen of the air.
-- coal and sulphur for powder, mercury and nitric acid for the fulminate, and lead for the shot, and the captain will make us first-rate guns."
-- The sulphate obtained, the sulphuric acid could then be extracted.
-- Sulphuric acid is one of the agents the most frequently employed, and the manufacturing importance of a nation can be measured by the consumption which is made of it.
-- This acid would later be of great use to the settlers, in the manufacturing of candles, tanning skins, etc., but this time the engineer reserved it for another use.
-- Would he obtain air by chemical means, in getting by heat the oxygen contained in chlorate of potash, and in absorbing carbonic acid by caustic potash?
-- When I returned on board, I was nearly suffocated by the carbonic acid with which the air was filled ah!if we had only the chemical means to drive away this deleterious gas.
-- I had thought well over it; but of what good was that, since the carbonic acid produced by our respiration had invaded every part of the vessel?
-- He mocked the youth, with an acid ridicule, that made Leitner red in the face and impotent with resentment.
-- The walk revived her spir-its, and flattering herself that she had made good bargins, she trudged home again, after buying a very young lobster, some very old asparagus, and two boxes of acid strawber-ries.