
发布时间:2021-12-28 13:01:14


south是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 南, 南方, 南部a. 南方的, 南部的,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。



-- Thus they cross in turn through South America, Australia and New Zealand, besides visiting minor islands.

-- SOUTH AMERICACHAPTER I THE SHARKON the 26th of July, 1864, a magnificent yacht was steaming along the North Channel at full speed, with a strong breeze blowing from the N. E. The Union Jack was flying at the mizzen-mast, and a blue standard bearing the initials E. G., embroidered in gold, and surmounted by a ducal coronet, floated from the topgallant head of the main-mast.

-- "That is easily ascertained," said the captain, opening a map of South America.

-- Nor did she mention the probable captivity of Captain Grant among the Indians of South America.

-- From November to March the sky is always cloudless, and a constant south wind prevails, as the coast is sheltered by the mountain range of the Andes.



-- At last in the stress of her fear she did that which might have daunted the bravest or most active man, for by the aid of the growth of ivy which covered (and still covers) the south wall she came down from under the eaves, and so homeward across the moor, there being three leagues betwixt the Hall and her father's farm.

-- Sir Charles, as is well known, made large sums of money in South African speculation.

-- He had brought back much scientific information from South Africa, and many a charming evening we have spent together discussing the comparative anatomy of the Bushman and the Hottentot.

-- 'I was a boy in my 'teens at the time of my father's death, and had never seen the Hall, for he lived in a little cottage on the South Coast.

-- The lodge was a ruin of black granite and bared ribs of rafters, but facing it was a new building, half constructed, the first fruit of Sir Charles's South African gold.



-- 'The North and South I know by heart,' as our poet observes.



-- They surged to and fro like the waves of the Icarian Sea, when the east and south winds break from heaven's clouds to lash them; or as when the west wind sweeps over a field of corn and the ears bow beneath the blast, even so were they swayed as they flew with loud cries towards the ships, and the dust from under their feet rose heavenward.

-- As when the waves run high before the blast of the south wind and break on some lofty headland, dashing against it and buffeting it without ceasing, as the storms from every quar-ter drive them, even so did the Achaeans rise and hurry in all directions to their ships.

-- As when the south wind spreads a curtain of mist upon the mountain tops, bad for shepherds but better than night for thieves, and a man can see no further than he can throw a stone, even so rose the dust from under their feet as they made all speed over the plain.

-- As when the west wind hustles the clouds of the white south and beats them down with the fierceness of its fury the waves of the sea roll high, and the spray is flung aloft in the rage of the wandering wind even so thick were the heads of them that fell by the hand of Hector.

-- As the east and south wind buffet one another when they beat upon some dense forest on the mountains there is beech and ash and spreading cornel; the top of the trees roar as they beat on one another, and one can hear the boughs cracking and breaking even so did the Trojans and Achaeans spring upon one another and lay about each other, and neither side would give way.



-- He went to the south window, threw it up, and leaning out stared down on the network of windows, beaded gas-lamps and shops, with its black interstices of roof and yard that made up the town at night.



-- And it seems that a schooner called the Ipecacuanha with a drunken cap-tain, John Davies, did start from Africa with a puma and certain other animals aboard in January, 1887, that the ves-sel was well known at several ports in the South Pacific, and that it finally disappeared from those seas (with a consider-able amount of copra aboard), sailing to its unknown fate from Bayna in December, 1887, a date that tallies entirely with my uncle's story.

-- Does the captain think he is going to sell them somewhere in the South Seas?'



-- Come along!When you're south of the Sticky Water [he meant the Equator] and your tail tingles, that means there's a gale in front of you and you must head north.

-- So he explored and explored by himself from the North to the South Pacific, swimming as much as three hundred miles in a day and a night.

-- He went to the Gallapagos, a horrid dry place on the Equator, where he was nearly baked to death; he went to the Geor-gia Islands, the Orkneys, Emerald Island, Little Nightingale Island, Gough's Island, Bouvet's Island, the Crossets, and even to a little speck of an island south of the Cape of Good Hope.



-- Maybe you can get him to believe that Jim IS your nigger some idiots don't require documents leastways I've heard there's such down South here.

-- The door to it was at the south end, and was padlocked.







