reaction是一个雅思常考词汇,这个词的常用解释为n. 反应; 反作用,这个词在很多英文原版小说中怎么应用呢,今天小编就带您了解一下。
-- "A reaction has set in.
-- The baronet is in a black reaction after the excitements of the night.
-- The entire ship's crew were undergoing a nervous excitement, of which I can give no idea: they could not eat, they could not sleep twenty times a day, a misconception or an optical illusion of some sailor seated on the taffrail, would cause dreadful perspirations, and these emotions, twenty times repeated, kept us in a state of excitement so violent that a reaction was unavoidable.
-- And truly, reaction soon showed itself.
-- Reaction mounted from the crew to the captain himself, and certainly, had it not been for the resolute determination on the part of Captain Farragut, the frigate would have headed due southward.
-- But he remembered, too, moments, hours, perhaps whole days, of complete apathy, which came upon him as a reaction from his previous terror and might be compared with the abnormal insensibility, sometimes seen in the dying.
-- The fact that four centuries had neither proved it to be founded on a mistake, inspired any hatred of its purpose, nor given rise to any reaction that had battered it down, invested this simple grey effort of old minds with a repose, if not a grandeur, which a too curious reflection was apt to disturb in its ecclesiastical and military compeers.
-- More fevered now by a reaction from the first feelings which Oak's example had raised in her, she paused in the hall, looking at the door of the room wherein Fanny lay.
-- Troy, in his prostration at this time, had no perception that in the futility of these romantic doings, dictated by a remorseful reaction from previous indifference, there was any element of absurdity.
-- And now came the reaction of the altered conditions.
-- She sat down again very suddenly, the reaction from her rage making her knees feel weak.
-- At that time jails were much neglected, and the period of exaggerated reaction consequent on all public wrongdoing--and which is always its heaviest and longest punishment--was still far off.
-- Reaction was a greater bore than action.
-- For Gerald was in reaction against Charity; and yet he was dominated by it, it assumed supremacy in the inner life, and he could not confute it.
-- So he was partly subject to that which his father stood for, but he was in reaction against it.
-- Their interest lay chiefly in the reaction against the positive order, the destructive reaction.
-- And Rupert he had now reacted towards the strongly female, healthy, selfish woman it was his reaction for the time being there was no helping it all.